ISHAVE He IS going to HAVE a bath. They A AA ARE going to G GG GO to the cinema.
AREROB They ARE going to ROB the bank! He I II IS going to B BB BREAK a leg!
AREGO They ARE going to GO hiking. AREBUY They ARE going to BUY a new car.
Look at those clouds! ISRAIN! It IS going to RAIN!
CONSTRUCTION? SUJET + BE conjugué au présent simple + GOING TO + BV They _________going to ________ to the cinema. ______RAIN! It ______ going to RAIN! AREGO IS
C’est qui porte la négation : A LA FORME NEGATIVE ? ________GO They ________ going to GO to the cinema. It _ __ _________going to R RR RAIN! BE AREN’T ISN’T
Il faut inverser et le A LA FORME INTERROGATIVE ? GO going to GO to the cinema? (they) RAIN? going to RAIN? SUJET : BE ARE ARE they IS IS it