2- Presence of two wounds inlet and exit 1- Loss of substance This loss depends on the size of missile, velocity and distance of firing. 2- Presence of two wounds inlet and exit (grazing of the bullet) 3- Possible presence of associated of projectile (Powder marks) 4- Beveling occurs in flat bones .
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INLET & EXIT Large Small Size Less More Loss of substance NO ++++ Powder marks Everted Inverted Edge Eternal Internal Beveling
Factor affecting the shape of the FA wound 1- The type of the weapon 2- Distance of firing 3- Direction of firing. 4- Site of the wound 5- Type and amount of the powder
Estimation of the distance of firing: 1- In cases of short distance (near firing): Powder marks II- In cases of long distance (far firing): The estimation of distance is based on the extent of dispersion of shots In cases of bullets it is estimated by the amount of penetration
point blank firing (0-15) The inlet is cross shaped Everted Burnt (flam). Blackening (smoke) Tattooing (unburned particles).
In contact firing Burning take the shape of the muzzle, Minimal blackening and tattooing. Why
Medico legal importance of powder marks: 1- Diagnosis of fire arm injuries 2- Differentiation between inlet and exit 3- Identification the type of powder used 4- Estimation the distance of firing 5- Determination the direction of firing
Identification of the weapon used Finger prints Smell of burnt powder Type and bore compared with projectile extracted form the victim Experimental examination of the suspected weapon Empty cartridge at the scene of the crime
Suicide , homicide or accidental Circumstantial evidence Scene of the crime Examination of the victim Sex - Victims clothes - Cadaveric spasm Blackening of the victim's fingers Signs of resistance
4- Examination of the wound Site of the wound Number of wounds Distance of firing 5 -Examination of the weapon presence of the weapon Type of weapon Short – long 6- Examination of the suspected assailant