Information and advice Grass Fires The damage grass fires can do How can we prevent them?
Damage Grass Fires can do Grass fires can be very dangerous and unpredictable. They spread quickly and cause a huge amount of damage. This is especially true on moorland as the ground is made of peat which is full of carbon. The following slides demonstrate what could be affected in a grass fire.
Damage Grass Fires can do Drinking Water Our drinking water comes from areas of the moors called uplands, which are rich in minerals. So if the ground is burnt, so are the minerals and our drinking water could be affected.
Damage Grass Fires can do Plants Important plants can be destroyed by fire and may struggle to grow back.
Damage Grass Fires can do Birds Many birds nest on the ground, particularly in the moorland and a fire can wipe them out.
Damage Grass Fires can do Animals Grassland and moorland is often home to many lovely creatures. Sadly wildlife and farm animals can be hurt or killed in a grass fire.
Damage Grass Fires can do Time and Money It can take the fire service a long time to put out a grass fire as they can burn underground out of site and appear again without warning. It can take days, weeks or sometimes even longer. Grass fires have a terrible effect on the economy as they cost a lot of money to get under control and repairing the damage caused costs even more.
Prevention of Grass Fires This image in the background shows the devastation that a grass fire can cause. The following slides demonstrate how we can prevent this from happening.
Prevention of Grass Fires Barbecues Barbecues should never be lit on moorland or dry areas as this can easily start a fire which will spread quickly and cause damage to the ground.
Prevention of Grass Fires Litter Please make sure that you take any rubbish home with you, especially glass. On a sunny day this can magnify the sun's rays and start a fire.
Prevention of Grass Fires Cigarettes Be careful how you dispose of cigarettes and matches. Do not throw them out of car windows or drop them on the ground. Please make sure they are fully extinguished.
Prevention of Grass Fires CALL 999 If you do see a fire when you are out in the country or on the moors, call 999 immediately, do not try and tackle the fire yourself.
Information and Advice Anyone found guilty of deliberately setting fire to grass or moorlands will be prosecuted and could face a heavy fine or even a prison sentence. Remember, if you see smoke or a fire on grass lands or on the moors, call 999 immediately. Tell the operator as much information as you can about your location. DO NOT attempt to tackle the fire yourself.
Real Story The following footage shows the devastating effect a grass fire can have on the environment and how far it can spread. With the potential of travelling at speeds of up to 18 mph, grass fires are incredibly dangerous and in extreme cases can take months to put out.