ACCES-VR TRANSITION SERVICES Transition to Career 80 Wolf Road – Suite 200 Albany, New York 12205-2644 Telephone: (518) 473-8097 Toll Free #: 1-800-272-5448 Fax: (518) 457-4562
9 counties Albany, Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren, Washington 75 school districts 8 alternative schools/placements
What is ACCES-VR? Adult Career and Continuing Education Services - Vocational Rehabilitation
From Special Education to Adult Vocational Rehabilitation When students leave high school, there are no more education entitlement programs. Adult services are based on eligibility requirements and availability of funds and services
Transition Services ACCES-VR helps individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain employment. Transition services specifically refers to services provided to students with disabilities in order to assist them to transition from school into the world of work. where will they live – any non work services – prevocational, basic academic skill building, social, recreational, residential or living skills VESID adult VR is often a a big part of or even the sum total of the plan when in reality it should be a small part of the students transition – the focus needs to be on tends to be on where the student is going, not on just getting him or her out of school. Looking at our mission statement (go to next slide)
Mission Statement The Mission of Transition to Career Services of the Capital District Office of ACCES-VR is to provide consumer focused, high-quality vocational counseling, consultation, and collaboration with secondary school students, parents, and staff to facilitate an understanding of and effect a seamless and timely transition through ACCES-VR services, with a goal of successful employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
When to refer students Interested students with disabilities should be referred within the last 2 years of high school for eligibility determination and planning purposes. ACCES-VR funding for services is usually not initiated until the last semester of high school, but there can be individual exceptions. Our goal is to have students referred to VESID in the fall of their junior year, and have VESID be an integral part of planning for post secondary outcomes. We want to get students into counseling and guidance plans with an identified employment goal early. This goal can and should be changed as part of the transition process. The students and their funding are still the responsibility of the school district until they either graduate or turn 21. The exceptions noted are, for example, for SE services which begin in the summer between junior and senior year as a summer employment assessment to continue in the fall outside school hours for continuity of service with an agency and continued work skills development. We need to justify in most cases that the service cannot be provided by the school, and document what has been tried.
Who can be referred to ACCES-VR? Any student with a permanent disability can be referred for eligibility determination.
Who should be referred to ACCES-VR? Students who are motivated to work and who will be capable of working independently in the community
Types of Disabilities Often hidden Often obvious: Learning disability Medical – heart, diabetes, kidney disease Alcohol or drug abuse Psychological & emotional conditions Often obvious: Visual impairment Deaf or hard of hearing Mobility impairment Developmental disability Amputation
Referral Process Application packet with documentation of disability is submitted to the ACCES-VR office (forms can be obtained electronically by contacting Case is registered and then assigned to the vocational rehabilitation counselor (VRC) working with the student’s home school The VRC will work with the school transition liaison to arrange to meet with the student/parents/other interested parties for an intake interview
Referral Process Complete application packet arrives at ACCES-VR Eligibility determination is made within 60 days Meeting with VRC coordinated with school at any point once complete packet is received Work goal is identified and IPE developed together Services begin as agreed, dependent on type of service
Referral Package Referral Cover Sheet Assets & Challenges Checklist Current IEP/504 Psychological (if applicable) Transcript (if post secondary education is planned) ACCES-VR application VR-04 ACCES-VR Information Release Authorizations VR-21 & VR-22 Student Questionnaire ACCES-VR Financial Survey Other medical reports when applicable
Applications Documentation of the disability from the physician, therapist, counselor, etc. should be submitted with the application along with any school testing/records/ plans. All Applications/releases for students need to be signed by the student. Applications/releases for students under the age of 18 need to be signed by the student and co-signed by a parent or guardian.
Eligibility Must have a permanent and/or progressive, documented disability Disability must be an impediment to reaching a vocational goal Must be able to benefit from services in terms of employment outcome ACCES-VR services must be required to reach employment goal
The Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) All ACCES-VR consumers develop an IPE with a specific employment goal stated The goal must be feasible and approved by ACCES-VR There must be a reasonable expectation that a successful employment outcome will be reached
Overview of Possible ACCES-VR SERVICES Vocational Counseling Vocational Assessments Diagnostic Vocational Evaluations Functional Evaluations Technological Evaluations Vocational Training College Services and Supports Supported Employment Direct Job Placement Work try out On the job training Driver training
Economic Need Some services do depend on economic need: tuition and fees, books, tools/equipment, rehabilitation technology, some training programs Some services do not depend on economic need: evaluations, tutors, note takers, some training programs, placement, job coaches, OJT, driver training
ACCES-VR SERVICES and economic need $ Vocational Counseling Vocational Assessments Diagnostic Vocational Evaluations Functional Evaluations Technological Evaluations Driver training Vocational Training $ College Tuition, fees and books $ Rehabilitation Technology Services $ Academic support services Supported Employment Direct Job Placement Work try out On the job training
Types of Vocational Training BOCES training programs Private vocational school programs Certificate programs at Community Colleges
College Training Services May include financial contribution toward: Tuition, fees, books, room and board One-on-one tutors Note takers Travel costs to and from school if not living on campus Other disability specific supports such as interpreters and aides for physical needs
Supported Employment Job placement services through agencies on ACCES-VR contract for specific area & disability group Intensive services Situational assessment Job development Job coaching Extended Services On-going follow along services are funded through OPWDD, OMH, or ACCES-VR
Job Placement Services Assistance with choosing a job goal, resume development, interviewing skills and job search On the Job Training Work Try-Outs Occupational tools & clothing (based on economic need and job requirement)
What services will be provided? Only the services necessary to reach the job goal identified in the IPE are provided. These services are listed as part of the IPE.
Under the ACCES-VR program an individual has the right to: Participate in the decision making process about his or her vocational program Receive services in a timely manner Receive services designed to assist in preparing for & finding employment Confidential services Appeal a decision made by ACCES-VR
Under the ACCES-VR program an individual has the responsibility to: Participate in the decision making process about his or her vocational program Maintain contact with ACCES-VR counselor Provide required information in a timely manner Contact the ACCES-VR counselor about changes in job goal or financial status Contact the ACCES-VR counselor upon getting a job
Follow through with the steps in your plan, assess your progress, and keep your counselor informed of how you are doing.
When you get a job…. Contact ACCES-VR! You will continue to work with your ACCES-VR counselor To identify supports that you need to keep a job. To plan how you will get these supports To maintain contact with ACCES-VR for at least three months after you start your job. Sometime post employment services can be provided You can always apply for VESID again in the future if your situation changes and you are again in need of services
Transition Tips ACCES-VR is a voluntary, adult service; you decide if you want it. You have rights and responsibilities Remember to apply to ACCES-VR before your last year of school – the process takes time!
EMPLOYMENT Remember… ACCES-VR Is All About Work!
ACCES-VR Transition Staff 2010-2011 Amy J Leifer Senior VRC (518) 485-5549 Veronica Nostramo VRC Assistant (518) 485-5540 Lynn Ricciardi VRC Assistant (518) 485-5348 Lisa Williams Keyboard Specialist (518) 457-2097
Abby Hout VRC – Cobleskill, Gilboa-Conesville, Jefferson, Middleburgh, Schoharie, Scotia-Glenville, Sharon Springs (518) 485-5542 Alexis Merrill VRC – Guilderland, Mohonasen, Niskayuna, Shaker, Shenendehowa (518) 457-9638 Bernard Mack VRC – Berkshire, Chatham, Columbia , New Lebanon, Taconic Hills, Troy (shared) (518) 485-5510
Deborah Gabrione VRC – Albany (shared), Averill Park, Berne-Knox, Cohoes, Lansingburgh, Ravena, Voorheesville (518) 485-5553 Ed Lessard VRC – Albany (shared), Charlton, LaSalle, Parsons (Neil Hellman School), Schalmont, Schenectady, School at Northeast, St Anne’s, Vanderheyden (518) 485-5505 Joseph Tedesco VRC – Berlin, Rensselaer HS (518) 457-6913
Kathleen McCartan VRC - Galway, Hoosic Valley, Saratoga Springs, Stillwater, Tamarac, Troy (shared),Waterford-Halfmoon (518) 485-5503 Kyle Ferris VRC - Germantown, Hudson, Ichabod Crane (518) 457-7944 Lindsay Pirozzi VRC – Cairo Durham, Catskill, Coxsackie-Athens, Greenville, Hunter-Tannersville, Windham-Ashland-Jewett (518) 457-9448 Mark Rubenstein VRC - Burnt Hills/Ballston Lake (518) 485-5501
Melissa Strauss VRC - Fort Edward, Hudson Falls (518) 485-5527 Pam Brehm-Bisaillon VRC – Argyle, Cambridge, Corinth, Fort Ann, Granville, Greenwich, Hartford, Hoosick Falls, Mechanicville, Salem, Schuylerville, South Glens Falls (518) 457-8523 Rich Myette VRC – Bolton, Glens Falls, Hadley-Luzerne, Johnsburg, Lake George, North Warren, Queensbury, Warrensburg, Whitehall (518) 457-2439
Salvatore Cerniglia VRC – Maple Hill (Schodack) (518) 485-1759 Sonam Ben Willow VRC – Bethlehem, Colonie Central, Duanesburg, Green Island, Scotia-Glenville, Watervliet (518) 485-5506 Vicki Starr VRC – Ballston Spa HS (518) 485-5551 End of show – press forward arrow to play again