CARBOXYLIC ACIDS. HCOOH CH 3 COOH Aromatic Aliphatic Formic acid Acetic acid Tartaric acid Citric acid Benzoic acid Salicylic acid Phthalic acid.


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Presentation transcript:


HCOOH CH 3 COOH Aromatic Aliphatic Formic acid Acetic acid Tartaric acid Citric acid Benzoic acid Salicylic acid Phthalic acid

Colourless Yellowish white Liquid, mobily, true Solid, crystalline or powder Pungent odor Vinegar odor Characteristic odor

Inflammable, non luminous, non smoky Inflammable, luminous, smoky Volatilization Swelling up & blackening Melting & blackening or charring Melting No change Change in color flame Change in appearance Inflammability

Change in odorResidue No change No residue Burnt-sugar odor Black residue Yellow stain No residue Suffocating odor Phenolic odor

Miscible in H 2 O Soluble in H 2 O All the compounds are Strong acid In soluble in H 2 O & dil. HcL but soluble in 10% NaOH Effervescence

Not done (only for solid) No reaction Burnt – sugar odor No reaction Benzene odor Phenolic odor

No reaction Burnt – sugar odor Benzene odor Phenolic odor No reaction with all

Effervescence due to CO 2 evolution Not done No reaction Effervescence + heavy charring Effervescence + yellow color No reaction

Blood red color – reddish brown color Lemon yellow color Buff ppt JUST No need to use NH 4 OH with acid JUST Acid + H 2 O + N. FeCl 3 Violet color