Français I, II, III, IV, V Room 50 and 41 Madame Safran ext Back to School NGHS
İİİ Bienvenus à la classe de français!!! Safran Misha
Merci d’être venus! J’adore vos étudiants!
Le français dans le monde It is the mother tongue of about 75 million people, with millions more familiar with it as a second language.
¿D’où vient Mme. Safran? de la France des États-Unis de l’Espagne de la Tunisie
¿ D’où vient Mme. Safran ? Des États-Unis
Ma famille…12, 13, 16 et moi!
I received my Masters in… Medicine Psychology English French literature
I received my Masters in…
I went to college in… California Washington DC Oregon Arizona
I went to college in… Oregon
Mon père habite à… Los Angeles Pleasant Hill Oakland Walnut Creek
Mon père habite à… Pleasant Hill
Les renseignements de classe sont à…
Les renseignements de classe sont à
My students/Mes étudiants
What I expect from my students To be respectful, responsible, kind and safe To be in class, seated and working at the bell To review 15 minutes nightly To seek help when needed ( , study sessions, after school) To use their own brain and not that of their classmates or mine. To speak French or ask permission in French to speak in English (levels II-V). To check my website daily: To honor all learning styles and ethnic backgrounds To laugh at my jokes
What can you expect from me? A safe environment To be communicative with parents and students using Homelink, and the phone. To be patient and caring To be knowledgeable in my subject area To have varied and clear ways of explaining things To have clear expectations To be available during study sessions To honor the different learning styles and ethnic backgrounds of our classroom To try to tell good jokes
What I expect from parents
To communicate with me, via , as quickly as you can if there are any questions or concerns: To check and Homelink daily, if possible, in case there is news or a change in assignment. To allow your student to speak in French without correcting them (we do enough of that at school). Let it flow freely to help build their confidence Possibly to chaperone a field trip or two if we find any of interest… To participate in your students learning when family learning assignments are assigned.
Classroom Management
Materials French IFrench IIFrench III French IV and V online textbooks Customer Service can be reached at M-F: 7AM-6PM CST. Level I Bleu: ISBN: year = $ Level II Blanc: ISBN: year = $ Level III Rouge: ISBN: year = $ Workbooks: 1. Workbook 2. Activités pour tous workbook
Grading (Levels I, II, (et III)) Posted on Homelink I post grades every week (class work and homework). I try to post quizzes and tests within a week. Two semester grades. Class work 8 % Final Exam 20 % Homework 8 % (stamped) Test / Quizzes / Projects 64 %
Difference between grading for Levels I and II with III Level I & II primarily have homework in the workbooks. This is why the grading scale is If they do it, they receive a stamp and any grade from 1-10 is given depending on level of completion. If they do not do it, they do not receive a stamp and the score is 0. Level III is entering the world of written products (essays, dialogues, etc.) Level II will also have writing projects which will be graded differently than workbook pages. They will be graded on accuracy. While effort is important, the goal is French Honors or AP and their writing skills are extremely important. However, when they have workbook assignments, they will be graded as the level I and II students.
Grading (Levels IV / V) Posted on Homelink I post grades every week (Participation and Homework). I try to post quizzes and tests within a week. Two semester grades. Participation / Homework 15 % (some graded on completion, while others graded on accuracy) Final Exam 20 % Projects (videos, power points, skits, dialogues, debates), oral presentations, quizzes, exams, essays = 65%
Wish list Speakers to share their travel experiences in French speaking countries. Lots of boxes of tissues it sometimes can sound like a hospital in here… 1 electric pencil sharpener – borrowing one right now. Post-it easel pads (I know staples has them) Non-post-it easel pads or poster paper Hand/glove puppets (political, TV, movie characters, cartoon characters, literary, occupation and career, etc.) Fun to use during instruction to tell stories using the target language. French-English dictionaries (would be nice to have a class set at some point) Games in French (I have several copies of French Scrabble and one copy of French monopoly – would love to have more so we can have game days) A great year!
Bonne soirée et bonne année!