English 10 Week 3
English 10 DO NOW: 11/11/13 Gather, label DO NOWs and staple if necessary. Turn in Week 2 DO NOWS to MAILBOX (four from week 2) On desk, study guide question answers. If you only highlighted, review your highlighting but you may not have your novel out during quiz.
Quiz: two parts Part One: multiple choice. Notes allowed Part Two: vocab matching. No Notes allowed Turn in Part One to baskets Take Part Two. When finished begin vocab for chapters 5-7
Eng 10 DO NOW: 11/12 If you have your “Man of Prestige” worksheet. Complete it using ch If not make this chart on paper and complete it. Have at least 3 things items on each side Okonkwo’s Achievements & status Traits/Actions that Contradict His Nobility
Eng. 10 DO NOW 11/13 As you read about the Week of Peace, what were your thoughts? Does the idea of such a week sound appealing? If you could create a Week of Peace for your home, school, workplace, or community, what would it be like? Does your culture, like that of Umuofia, require a Week of Peace?
Success Today Means You create your own week of peace plan showing your understanding of chapter 4 through your own examples. You complete the graphic organizer in class showing the different aspects of the week of peace. HW: Read Chapter 6 for tomorrow.
English 10 DO NOW: 11/14/13 Describe a sporting event you have attended live. What was it like? What was the crowd like? The teams? Was there music/what was it like? Was there an arena? What was it like? Never watched a live sporting event? Describe the wrestling match in chapter 6
Success Today Means You can comprehend important details relating American culture to the Ibo You can demonstrate success by completing the chapter 6 handout and verbalizing at the end of class similarities and differences between American sports and Ibo sports. HW: Read chapter 7. Finish all study guide questions for Chapters 5-7
Eng 10 DO NOW How does Genesis 22:1-19 relate to Ch. 7? “Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”…… Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.
Success Today Means You can analyze character motives and relationships in ch. 7 You demonstrate this by completing the graphic organizer AND verbally share your responses with your partner and class. You quiz yourself over vocab words and note which words you need to study for Monday on loose leaf
Vocab Self-Quiz Under your Do Now for today, define as many of the following words as possible from memory, Then draw a line and use your notes to define any of the remaining words: Fibrous, calabashes, frenzy, intoxicating, bouts, feign, rebuke, stunted, harbingers, copiously
Fibrous: Threadlike Calabashes: containers made from dried gourds Frenzy: violent mental agitation’ wild excitement Intoxicating: stimulating or exciting Bouts: contests; matches Feign: pretend; represent falsely Rebuke: criticized’ reprimanded Stunted: stopped from growing Harbingers: forerunners Copiously: abundantly