The Purpose of a “Holy Day” A day set apart to remember/celebrate something A consistent reminder to the Israelites A reminder of how God made them a nation A reminder of how God set them free from slavery To keep the nation unified All Israelite men were to be present in Jerusalem for the three major feasts (Exodus 23:17) The children grew up clearly seeing that they were part of a nation, not just a tribe
The Purpose of a “Holy Day” They are foundational to almost every culture The adoption of pagan holidays was forbidden Celebrating pagan holidays led to their destruction They are the key way to influence future generations As long as there is a holiday, the next generations will ask “Why?” It is the responsibility of the parent generation to accurately explain and faithfully observe the holiday
The “Non-holyday” No rest required Morning and Evening Burnt Offering Year-old unblemished lamb Two quarts of fine flour mixed with one quart of crushed olive oil One quart of wine/beer
The Sabbath Weekly day of rest Weekly day of learning and worshiping God Burnt Offerings (in addition to the daily offerings) Two year-old lambs without blemish Four quarts of fine flour mixed with one quart of crushed olive oil One quart of wine/beer
The New Moon Monthly Day of Celebration Burnt Offerings – in addition to the daily offerings 2 young bulls without blemish 1 young ram without blemish 7 male lambs, 1 year old, without blemish Grain offering 6 quarts of flour and oil with each bull 4 quarts of flour and oil with the ram 2 quarts of flour and oil with each lamb
The New Moon Drink offering Two quarts of wine/beer with each bull One and a third quart wine/beer with the ram One quart of wine/beer with each lamb One additional goat as a sin offering
The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) Seven days of eating only unleavened bread Passover meal reminded the Israelites of their slavery and salvation Bitter herbs slavery Eating unleavened bread the left in a hurry Lamb reminded them of blood on the doorpost Salvation not from their own goodness Salvation was from an act of faith 1 st and 7 th day was a sacred assembly – no working
The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) Burnt Offerings (in addition to daily sacrifices) Two young bulls without blemish One young ram without blemish Seven male lambs, one year old without blemish Grain offering Six quarts of flour and oil with each bull Four quarts of flour and oil with the ram Two quarts of flour and oil with each lamb One male goat for a sin offering
Feast of Weeks (a.k.a. “Pentacost”) Reminded the people that God was their provider A day of sacred assembly and no common working There was to be a sacred assembly to present offerings of “new grain” or firstfruits No new grain was to be consumed until after this feast Burnt Offerings (in addition to the regular daily sacrifices) Two young bulls without blemish One young ram without blemish Seven male lambs, one year old without blemish
Feast of Weeks (a.k.a. “Pentacost”) Grain offering Six quarts of flour and oil with each bull Four quarts of flour and oil with the ram Two quarts of flour and oil with each lamb Drink offering Two quarts of wine/beer with each bull One and a third quart wine/beer with the ram One quart of wine/beer with each lamb One additional goat as a sin offering
Feast of Trumpets Kicked off a month of feasts and sacred assemblies Feast of Trumpets – 1st of Tishri Day of Atonement – 10th of Tishri Feast of Tabernacles – 15th thru 21st of Tishri A day of sacred assembly, no common working A day of sounding trumpets and great jubilation
Feast of Trumpets Burnt Offerings – in addition to the daily sacrifices One young bull without blemish One young ram without blemish Seven male lambs, one year old without blemish Grain offering Six quarts of flour and oil with the bull Four quarts of flour and oil with the ram Two quarts of flour and oil with each lamb One additional goat as a sin offering
Day of Atonement A day of sacred assembly, no work was to be done A day of self-denial Burnt offerings One young bull without blemish One young ram without blemish Seven male lambs, one year old without blemish Grain offering Six quarts of flour and oil with the bull Four quarts of flour and oil with the ram Two quarts of flour and oil with each lamb One additional goat as a sin offering
Feast of Tabernacles Seven day festival Build booths and camp out with their families Burnt Offerings (offered 7 days in a row) Bulls 13 on day 1, 12 on day 2, 11 on day 3, and so on until 7 on day 7 2 rams 14 male lambs a year old
Feast of Tabernacles Grain offering Six quarts of flour and oil with each bull Four quarts of flour and oil with each ram Two quarts of flour and oil with each lamb Drink offering Two quarts of wine/beer with each bull One and a third quart wine/beer with each ram One quart of wine/beer with each lamb One additional goat as a sin offering
Feast of Tabernacles 8 th day was a solemn assembly, no common work Burnt Offerings One bull without blemish One ram without blemish Seven male lambs, one year old, without blemish Grain offering Six quarts of flour and oil with each bull Four quarts of flour and oil with the ram Two quarts of flour and oil with each lamb
Feast of Tabernacles 8 th day was a solemn assembly, no common work Drink offering Two quarts of wine/beer with each bull One and a third quart wine/beer with the ram One quart of wine/beer with each lamb One additional goat as a sin offering
Later Holy Days Feast of Purim Remembers the deliverance from Haman’s plot The story of Esther/Hadassah Feast of Dedication (Hanukah) Remembers the purification of the temple in 164 BC The lamp burned for 8 days with only 1 day’s oil