Unit 5 Reading --- First Aid for Burns. Students from No. 94 Junior Middle School They were trained to take part in the National Day Celebration. But.


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BURNS Burns can result from dry heat(fire), moist heat (steam,hot liquids), electricity, chemicals, and radiation (sunlight)
Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Reading --- First Aid for Burns

Students from No. 94 Junior Middle School They were trained to take part in the National Day Celebration. But after the training, they noticed their face were rough and red. They wanted to put oil on the skin and rub the skin. Do you think the ways are right?

causes of burns types of burns characteristics of burns first aid treatment Usually, with the help of (title) (picture) (first sentence), we can get the main idea of this passage quickly.

C the importance of the skin E causes of burns B the three kinds of burns D the symptoms of burns A what to do if someone gets burnt main content

subtitles main content (the functions of the skin) the importance of the skin how we get burns causes of burns types of burns the three kinds of burns characteristics of burns the symptoms of burns first aid treatment what to do if someone gets burns While reading, we need to pay attention to synonyms( 同义词 ) in the subtitles and main content.

hot liquids fireelectric shock sun steam chemicals

How many kinds of burns? What are they? Burns are called first, second or third degree burns depending on ____________________ are burnt. which layers of the skin First degree burn Second degree burn Third degree burn three

Types of burn Examples First degree burn Second degree burn Third degree burn

3 23 ABC

132 serious sunburn D EF

Degree of burns ColorSurfacePainful? first degree second degree third degree red, white when pressed red black and white rough, swollen and watery, having blisters charred, swollen mildly extremely little or no pain / pain often tissue can be seen dry and mildly swollen

ABC D E cool burns immediately with cool water

cool burns immediately with cool water cool burns with ice or icy water put oil on burns cover the burn with a dry, clean bandage put cool, clean, wet clothes on burns

Students from No. 94 Junior Middle School They were trained to take part in the National Day Celebration. But after the training, they noticed their face were rough and red. They wanted to put oil on the skin and rub the skin. Do you think the ways are right? Why? No, these two ways may cause infection.

One day in the classroom, Xiao Jing got some very hot water. But A Du and A Jia spilt( 弄洒 )it, and Xiao Jing’s leg got injured by hot water. Her burn was rough and red, and she had extreme pain. 1. Which degree burn did Xiao Jing get? Why? 2. What should Xiao Jing do? (Please give at least three suggestions.)

设计思路 教学目标: 1. 通过小标题了解文章大意及主要内容。 2. 了解烧伤的原因,类型,特点,即治疗方法。 3. 通过烧伤原因及特点判定烧伤等级从而根据情景给出 适合的治疗建议。重视急救知识,提倡互相帮助。 教学重点: 1. 通过小标题了解文章大意及主要内容。 2. 通过烧伤原因及特点判定烧伤等级从而根据情景给出 适合的治疗建议。重视急救知识,提倡互相帮助。 教学难点: 1. 如何引起学生兴趣,与生活实践联系。 2. 系统了解及掌握烧伤的原因,类型,特点,即治疗方法。

Students from No. 94 Junior Middle School They were trained to take part in the National Day Celebration. But after the training, they noticed their face were rough and red. They wanted to put oil on the skin and rub the skin. Do you think the ways are right? Why? No, these two ways may cause infection.

causes of burns types of burns characteristics of burns first aid treatment Usually, with the help of (title) (picture) (first sentence), we can get the main idea of this passage quickly.

C the importance of the skin E causes of burns B the three kinds of burns D the symptoms of burns A what to do if someone gets burnt main content

subtitles main content (the functions of the skin) the importance of the skin how we get burns causes of burns types of burns the three kinds of burns characteristics of burns the symptoms of burns first aid treatment what to do if someone gets burns While reading, we need to pay attention to synonyms( 同义词 ) in the subtitles and main content.

How many kinds of burns? What are they? Burns are called first, second or third degree burns depending on ____________________ are burnt. which layers of the skin First degree burn Second degree burn Third degree burn three

3 23 ABC

Degree of burns ColorSurfacePainful? first degree second degree third degree red, white when pressed red black and white rough, swollen and watery, having blisters charred, swollen mildly extremely little or no pain / pain often tissue can be seen dry and mildly swollen

cool burns immediately with cool water cool burns with ice or icy water put oil on burns cover the burn with a dry, clean bandage put cool, clean, wet clothes on burns

Students from No. 94 Junior Middle School They were trained to take part in the National Day Celebration. But after the training, they noticed their face were rough and red. They wanted to put oil on the skin and rub the skin. Do you think the ways are right? Why? No, these two ways may cause infection.

One day in the classroom, Xiao Jing got some very hot water. But A Du and A Jia spilt( 弄洒 )it, and Xiao Jing’s leg got injured by hot water. Her burn was rough and red, and she had extreme pain. 1. Which degree burn did Xiao Jing get? Why? 2. What should Xiao Jing do? (Please give at least three suggestions.)