1 Adrián Alexovič 2.B Rudolf Wojčík 2.B
2 Šariš castle 3-4 Brekov castle 5 Spiš castle 6-8 Stará Ľubovňa castle 9 Kapušany castle 10 Plaveč castle 11 Čičava castle 12 Sources 13
3 The exact period of building castle is not known. Construction of a new castle began in the 13th century. The castle was built to protect the north-south trade route through the valley of the river Torysa. Since the beginning of its existence served as the royal castle. It was the seat of kings at the time resided in Šariš. In 1660 exploded gun-powder storage and damaged the entire heart of castle. In the following years, it was only used for housing troops. The castle burned down in 1687 and was not renewed more. Nowadays the castle is popular place for walking for people of Prešov.
The castle was built in 13th century to protect trade route against Tatars. In 15th century were strengthen walls and in short time played important role in battle Matej Korvín vs. Polish king Kazimir IV.. In 1558 was castle destroyed by Ferdinand Habsburg and in 1575 was repaired. But in 1644 rebels definitely destroyed the castle. Nowadays there are only ruins. 5
Castle of Spiš is one of the biggest castles in Europe. There had been living human for 5000 years. First written mention of castle comes from 1209 about selling grounds. The castle was building in stages from 10th to 13th century. In first half of century they were building faster because Mongols came. This castle was one of few castles which resisted Mongol´s attacks in In second half of 14th century they added middle and down castle and built a new walls along them. 6
In 15th century was following building expansion. In 1780 castle burnt. Local people started deconstruction the castle like cheap building material. This destroying stopped after Second World War. It has been reconstucted since Since 1993 it belongs to UNESCO.In 2008 australian artist built celtic horse from travertin. Nowadays there are reconstructions and it is favourite place for tourism. 7
Castle was built at the end of 13th century to protect northern trade routes to Poland. First written mention is from It was residence for many city mayors. In first half of 14th century was damaged during Hussites war. In 1553 burnt and massive reconstructions with reneissance elements started. In 1772 castle came into disuse. Nowadays there are archeologistic research. 9
Castle was built in 13th century to protect royal route to north from Prešov. In 1312 was destroyed but in 1410 Andrej Kappy built new complex of walls but in second half of 16th was upgraded for turkish offensive. In 1709 František Rákoci fired castle. In 1712 was partly repaired but in 1715 was destroyed definitelly. 10
Castle was built in 1294 like frontier guard by lord Arnold. In second half of 15th century during Hussites war Peter Aksamit empowered the castle. After his death In 1505 clan Horváthovci bought this castle. In 18th century lost his military value so Paloczays rebuilt it to residental houses. In 1568 castle definitely burnt. 11
Castle was built in 1309 as a guard fortress. In 1527 Ján Zápoľský conquered and burnt this castle. Archive of Zemplin chair burnt too. Castle was repaired. In 1684 Tokoli occupied castle. In 1704 František Rakocsi II. repaired damaged parts of castle. In 1711 imperial army destroyed castle headed by František Barkóci. 12
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