WIKI: A Solution for Thesis Supervisors Hananto Universitas Pelita Harapan Kongres Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (KIMLI 2009) Batu, Malang, 5-7 November 2009
Topics: Introduction PBWorks Setting up a Wiki Discussion
Introduction Wiki: a new topic Wiki: collaborative online documents Thesis writing = a collaborative writing project Easy to set up and free (need to be internet-literate, though)
PBWorks Wikis: MediaWiki ( Wikihost ( PBWikik/PBWorks (
PBWorks Features (1) Collaborative Page Editing Document management & file sharing Complete history and audit trail Easily invite others to collaborate Automatic notifications Access Controls
PBWorks Features (2) Quick setup Point-and-Click Editor Tags and Folders Automatic Backups Storage Space
Setting up a wiki for thesis supervisors 1. Create a free wiki site 2. Create a list of thesis writers (and announcements) 3. Create a page/work space for each of them 4. Make a link 5. Invite the thesis writers 6. Provide some basic training
Illustration Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Name 1 TOC Name 2 TOC Name 3 TOC Name 4 TOC Name 5 TOC Name 6 TOC
Sample: Front Page
Sample: A Work page/space
Sample: Comments
Final Remarks: End of Slide: Thanks. Any questions? Need a free workshop?