SLOVAKIA Lucia Petričková ZŠ, Nám L. Novomeského 2, Košice 2013
1.Position, map, symbols of Slovakia, neighbouring countries 2. Capital city, currency, form of government 3.Highest mountain ranges and highest peak 4.Rivers 5.Largest towns in Slovakia 6.Historical sites UNESCO 7.Historical events 8.Historical figures 9.Typical food 10.Sports 11.Resources CONTENT
Slovakia is situated in the centre of Europe Area: km 2 The populaton : people Neighbours : Hungary, Poland,Ukraine, Austria, The Czech Republic Position of Slovakia
o Bratislava is the capital city of Slovakia -it is the largest city situated on the banks of the Danube river -it is the seat of government, parliament and embassies o Since 2009 EURO has been our currency o Prezident of the Slovak republic is Ivan Gašparovič. -Slovakia is a parliamentary republic Capital city
The largest moutain range is the High Tatras - Gerlachovský peak Second largest mountain is LOW TATRAS -Ďumbier Third largest moutain is ORAVSKÉ BESKYDY-Babia hora The biggest peak is Gerlachovský štít - its hight is 2654,4 metres above sea level Mountain range
Váh - the longest river in Slovakia -its length 403 km Danube - stems in Germany and flows through Austria, Slovakia,Hungary, Romania -its length in Slovakia is 172 km *Hron- the biggest river - its length is 298 km Rivers
Váh is the longest river ( 403 km ) Danube is the largest river ( 172 km ) Hron ( 298 km )
1.BRATISLAVA- the biggest town in Slovakia - the president of Slovak republic lives here inhabitans -there is also State Theatre and Bratislava castle Largest towns in Slovakia
2.KOŠICE-the second biggest town people live here -it is a historical town,because here are many historical monuments like: St. Elisabeth´s Cathedral :Urban´s tower :St. Michael´s Chapel Other towns
3.PREŠOV-near Košice - river Torysa flows through it inhabitants - it is third biggest town in Slovakia Other towns
4.BANSKA BYSTRICA- -the fourth biggest town in Slovakia -it is a mining town 5.NITRA -it is fifth biggest town in Slovakia -river Nitra flows through it
Spiš castle- the biggest castle in Slovakia - was burnt down a long time ago *Cave Domica- in Košice region,many bats spend winter in it *Vlkolínec- a unique open air folk museum because some people still live there Historical sites UNESCO
1843-The second codification of literary Slovak language authored by Ľudovít Štúr was successful and became the basis of today's Slovak 1863-the Slovak Matica, the first national institution for improving of education and preserving the culture of the Slovaks, was founded 14. March independent Slovak republic was declared in Bratislava Slovak National Uprising against the Nazis 2004 – Slovakia became a member of European Union Historical events
Slovak Robin Hood – Juraj Janošik is said to hand out the goods and money of the rich to the poor Alexander Dubček was the most impotant Slovak politician of the post-war era Milan Rastislav Štefánik was the most important figure in Slovak history, because he significantly contributed to the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918 Historical figures
HALUŠKY our traditional food made from dough, bryndza (sheep cheese), bacon-on top of the Halušky *BRYNZOVE PIROHY pasta filled with mashed potatoes, served with cream and fried bacon and onion Typical food
Popular sports in Slovakia include: *Football *Tennis *Swimming *Ice hockey *Cycling *Skiing Sports
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