Overview of the Class Mar Lee School in Marshall I taught K-12 P.E. and 6-8 Health 7/8 th graders Girls only class 36 Students
My focus questions Why do some girls choose not to participate? How can I increase participation?
Why I chose this topic At the beginning of the school year I noticed more girls sat out during class compared to boys I remember this being a problem at my middle school I would like as many students participating daily as possible!
What I learned from research Physical activity levels decline during preteen years and continue to decline into adulthood -TAAG Guidebook
What I learned from research Positive P.E. Experience Willingness to participate in physical activity -Baggett,Barr-Anderson, Conway, Lytle, Neumark-Sztainer, Pate
Possible Reasons Why… Lack of enjoyment Lack of choices Lower self-esteem, physical strength and self-efficacy More conscious about body shape and appearance Societal issues Stereotypical games in P.E. class -Girls in Physical Education: Increasing Participation and Success
What I learned from research When certain girls participate, others will follow You can’t change every single student and if you stress out about it too much… you will get burnt out -Physical Educator D.L. Patton
What I learned from research Choices had a significant and immediate effect on student motivation Allows students to examine their own motives for participation and gives them more responsibility -Prusak, Treasure, Darst, Pangrazi
What I learned from research Competition Self-determination Pleasing teachers or parents Peer groups Supportive family and teachers Social influences Wanting to increase physical fitness and overall health Prizes Factors that affect Motivation -Chiang, Liam
What I learned from research P.E. needs to be a comfortable, enjoyable, and reinforcing environment for all students, regardless of their size, physical fitness, or competence levels -Baggett,Barr-Anderson, Conway, Lytle, Neumark-Sztainer, Pate
What I did in the classroom Gave the students choices Built relationships with everyone Encouraged participation Incorporated gender specific activities When certain girls participated, others followed Tried to incorporate what they wanted to do
Class Survey
Analyzing the data Already had a volleyball and basketball unit Can’t have free time all the time Free day choices: basketball, volleyball, or scooters Use tag games as a warm up Next unit would be floor hockey or dodgeball
Activities Just Dance 2 Circuits
Ethical Awareness Anonymous class survey Sources are correctly cited and not plagiarized Students knew they were being photographed and I told them about my inquiry project I kept the privacy of the students by not including their names
Variables It isn’t possible to make every student happy There are many other factors that contribute to students not participating besides gender that I need to continue researching This investigation may have been too vague and focused on stereotypes The schedule is going to change back to coed classes next week
In Conclusion… The facts show that girls tend to participate less in physical education BUT there are many ways to increase participation. By giving a variety of choices and building self esteem, more students are likely to participate My goal is for my students to have fun, be active, and learn important physical and social skills