WONDERFUL GREAT 2 Chronicles 2:3-9
“WONDERFUL GREAT” Wonderful - Hebrew word meaning, separate, distinguished, astonishing extraordinary. To be wonderful beyond the bounds of human powers or expectations. Spiros Zodhiates – The Hebrew Greek Key Study Bible, KJV, Revised 1991, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, TN, Code 6381, p. 1650
NO EXPENSE SPARED! Most experienced Craftsmen and Artists were called for Most experienced Craftsmen and Artists were called for Help requested from King of Tyre (Huram) Help requested from King of Tyre (Huram) 70,000 laborers 70,000 laborers 80,000 quarry workers and stonecutters 80,000 quarry workers and stonecutters 3600 Supervisors 3600 Supervisors “Expense Account” for the Workers from Tyre “Expense Account” for the Workers from Tyre
MATERIALS USED IN THE TEMPLE Finest Trees of Lebanon – Noted at the time as the ultimate in wood construction – Cedar, Fir, Algums Finest Trees of Lebanon – Noted at the time as the ultimate in wood construction – Cedar, Fir, Algums Finest of Tapestries and fabrics (Purple, Crimson, Blue) Finest of Tapestries and fabrics (Purple, Crimson, Blue) Precious Metals used in Furnishing it – Gold, Silver, Brass, and Iron Precious Metals used in Furnishing it – Gold, Silver, Brass, and Iron Lined with Cypress, another very rich wood, and Pure Gold. Lined with Cypress, another very rich wood, and Pure Gold.
SIZE OF THE TEMPLE Assuming a cubit is 18 inches: Assuming a cubit is 18 inches: 90’ long 30’ wide 180’ high
MOST HOLY PLACE 20 x 20 Cubits 20 x 20 Cubits Inlaid with 600 talents (45,000 lbs or 22.5 tons) Inlaid with 600 talents (45,000 lbs or 22.5 tons) 30’ x 30’ x 180’ space 30’ x 30’ x 180’ space Gold Nails used Gold Nails used Cheribums – wings touched just so. Cheribums – wings touched just so.
NOT WHAT MADE IT WONDERFUL The things that went on inside of the Temple, the Purpose is what made it Wonderful Great The same with the church today!
THE PURPOSE OF THE TEMPLE To Burn before Him Sweet Incense To Burn before Him Sweet Incense Exodus 30:7 Exodus 30:7 For the Continual Shewbread For the Continual Shewbread Leviticus 24:1-7 Leviticus 24:1-7 For the Burnt Offerings For the Burnt Offerings Sin Offerings, Thanksgiving, Marriage, Birth, etc Sin Offerings, Thanksgiving, Marriage, Birth, etc For the Solemn Feasts For the Solemn Feasts Passover - Exodus 12:15-20 Passover - Exodus 12:15-20 New Moon – First day of the Month, Numbers 28:11-15 New Moon – First day of the Month, Numbers 28:11-15 The Sabbath The Sabbath
THE CHURCH IS THE LORD’S HOUSE Ephesians 2:19-20 Ephesians 2:19-20 Whole building being fit together Whole building being fit together Holy Temple in the Lord in whom ye also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in Spirit. Holy Temple in the Lord in whom ye also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in Spirit. 1 Timothy 3: Timothy 3:14-15 The house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth The house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth
THE CHURCH IS WONDERFUL GREAT Just as Solomon’s temple, the church is something beyond the bounds of human expectations! Not the grandeur of the building, or the glory of the people, but what happens there!
TO BURN SWEET INCENSE Loving and Providing for One another is a sweet incense to God: Loving and Providing for One another is a sweet incense to God: Ephesians 5:2 – Christ offered himself as a sweet smelling savour – We are to therefore walk in Love. Ephesians 5:2 – Christ offered himself as a sweet smelling savour – We are to therefore walk in Love. Philippians 4:18 – The gift Epaphroditus took to Paul on behalf of the Philippians was a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable to God. Philippians 4:18 – The gift Epaphroditus took to Paul on behalf of the Philippians was a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable to God. The Sacrifice of Praise to God is a Sweet Incense The Sacrifice of Praise to God is a Sweet Incense Hebrews 13:15-16 – We offer sweet insense when we praise God and do good. Hebrews 13:15-16 – We offer sweet insense when we praise God and do good.
FOR THE CONTINUAL SHEWBREAD Leviticus 24:5-9 Leviticus 24:5-9 In the tabernacle a table was constructed for the showbread. In the tabernacle a table was constructed for the showbread. Replaced every Sabbath Day Replaced every Sabbath Day Eaten by Priests as food in the Holy Place Eaten by Priests as food in the Holy Place We have a bread used as a memorial today – The Lord’s Supper We have a bread used as a memorial today – The Lord’s Supper Luke 22:14-20 – The Unleavened Bread represents the body of the Lord Luke 22:14-20 – The Unleavened Bread represents the body of the Lord The Fruit of the Vine represents the blood of Jesus Christ The Fruit of the Vine represents the blood of Jesus Christ We remember the one who died to purchase the church. We remember the one who died to purchase the church.
FOR THE BURNT OFFERINGS WE HAVE OFFERINGS WE MAKE TODAY: Romans 12:1-2 We offer ourselves as a vessel to do the will of God. This is our reasonable service
FOR THE SOLEMN FEASTS The Passover was kept by the Children of Israel The Passover was kept by the Children of Israel The passing of the death angel through Egypt The passing of the death angel through Egypt The passing over of the children of Israel who put the blood on the door posts and lintels. The passing over of the children of Israel who put the blood on the door posts and lintels. We have the Lord’s Supper today We have the Lord’s Supper today We also meet to learn, encourage and edify one another We also meet to learn, encourage and edify one another
THE SOLEMN FEASTS THE ASSEMBLY Acts 20:7 Acts 20:7 The Lord’s Supper The Lord’s Supper Paul’s Preaching Paul’s Preaching God’s presence God’s presence Matthew 18:20 Matthew 18:20 Decency and Order – I Corinthians 14:40 – Decency and Order – I Corinthians 14:40 – It is solemn!
THE SOLEMN FEASTS Preaching Preaching The Lord’s Supper The Lord’s Supper Singing – Edifying and Teaching Singing – Edifying and Teaching Giving Giving Prayer Prayer
WONDERFUL GREAT! Sweet Incense Continual Shewbread Burnt Offerings Solemn Feasts
CONCLUSION Hebrews 12: But ye are come unto mount Sion and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and the church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect. And to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.