What is this image depicting?
Citizenship, Civil Rights & Japanese Internment
Historical Background Aliens or Immigrants Asian Immigration & American Nativism (1870s-1920s) Legacies of Anti-Asian Sentiment Harper’s Weekly illustration from 1870s was critical of anti- Chinese sentiment.
Image 1 Wanto Grocery, owned by an Asian American, UC Berkeley graduate. (California, December 1941)
Image 2 Reading evacuation orders on a bulletin board in Los Angeles. These families will have as little as one week to report to the relocation center. (1942) Library of Congress.
Image 3 Dorothea Lange, “One Nation Indivisible.” Pledge of Allegiance at Rafael Weill Elementary School a few weeks prior to evacuation. (San Francisco, 1942)
Image 4 Japanese Americans register for internment at the Santa Anita reception center in Los Angeles. (1942) Library of Congress
Image 5 Evacuees waiting with their luggage at the old train station in Los Angeles, CA. The train will take them to Owens Valley. (April 1942) Library of Congress
Image 6 Japanese Americans waiting to board the train that will take them to the internment camp in Owens Valley. (April 1942)
Image 7 “All Packed Up and Ready to Go” Editorial Cartoon, San Francisco News (March 6, 1942)
Image 8 Family arriving in internment camp barracks, from the Tacoma New Tribune, University of Washington. (no date)
Image 9 An American Soldier on guard duty at an internment camp holds a Japanese American child. Tacoma News Tribune, University of Washington.
Image 10 Internment camp mess hall. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, University of Washington.
Image 12 G.S. Hante, a barber in Kent, Washington, displays his sentiments about internment. (March 1944)
An Apology In 1988, the U.S. government apologized to Japanese Americans for these internment camps and paid all internees $20,000. These payments were awarded to 82,210 Japanese Americans or their heirs at a cost of $1.6 billion
Internment Camp Reading
Holocaust Video Video
Anti -Semitism This is the term given to political, social and economic agitation against Jews. Aryan Race This was the name of what Hitler believed was the perfect race. These were people with full German blood, blonde hair and blue eyes.
Between 1939 and 1945 six million Jews were murdered, along with hundreds of thousands of others, such as Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, disabled and the mentally ill.
A Total of 6,000,000 Jews Percentage of Jews killed in each country
16 of the 44 children taken from a French children’s home. They were sent to a concentration camp and later to Auschwitz. ONLY 1 SURVIVED A group of children at a concentration camp in Poland.
Part of a stockpile of Zyklon-B poison gas pellets found at Majdanek death camp. Before poison gas was used, Jews were gassed in mobile gas vans. Carbon monoxide gas from the engine’s exhaust was fed into the sealed rear compartment. Victims were dead by the time they reached the burial site.
Smoke rises as the bodies are burnt.
After liberation, an Allied soldier displays a stash of gold wedding rings taken from victims at Buchenwald. Bales of hair shaven from women at Auschwitz, used to make felt-yarn.
Writing Prompt Compare and contrast the Japanese internment camps to the concentration camps of the Holocaust. What were the main goals of each? How did these camps affect society? What was your person’s life like? Did they survive? What feelings does reading this person’s story evoke?
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