Chapel Flipping through the Bible
Sword Drill! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
Find “Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the alter?” James 2:21
GE N ESIS The Big “N” ing
6 Isaac
God Tested Abraham Take your son To the region of Moriah Sacrifice Him as a burnt offering Abraham went!
The Journey Loaded the donkey Two Servants Isaac Wood Left the Servants and the donkey Isaac carried the Wood Abraham took the knife and the fire
Isaac’s Question Where is the lamb for the burn offering? God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.
On the Mountain Abraham built the alter and placed the wood He bound Isaac and lay him on the alter He grabbed the knife
On the Mountain An angel of the Lord stopped Abraham God could see that Abraham feared God and withheld nothing from him. A ram was caught nearby Abraham sacrificed the ram That place is called: The Lord will Provide
The angel restates the promises Bless You Stars Sand Take over enemy cities Whole world blessed
Over the Next Years Sarah dies Abraham sends for a wife for Isaac from his family Isaac marries Rebekah (sister of Laban) Abraham dies
5 Abram - Abraham
Review 1. God Created the World 2. Man Fell in Sin 3. God Flooded the World 4. God Spread the Nations 5. God Made Promises to Abraham 6. God Tested Abraham
Looking Good Lion Pawsitive Note