Blessed Are the Merciful—Matt. 5:6 Mercy Isaiah 49:25, Jeremiah 31:20, Eph. 2:4 Major characteristic of God Exodus 34:6 Compassion a deep & tender emotion because of another’s need he cannot fulfill alone Can’t be demanded or earned (from within) We can ask for it from God & others We should ask for it sometimes We should give it even when not asked for it 1 John 3:16-18 Heb. 13:16 is a sacrifice
Blessed Are the Merciful—Matt. 5:6 Because of God’s mercy, we are to be merciful Romans 12:1,8 with cheerfulness Hosea 6:6 mercy not sacrifice Knowledge of God more than burnt offering Fulfilling Needs—Luke 6:27-36 Physical: financial, food, help with tasks Social: time, attention, involvement Emotional: peace, support, comfort Spiritual: forgiveness, gospel, encouragement
For They Shall Obtain Mercy—Matt. 5:6 If we realize God’s mercy, we will be merciful If we are merciful, we will receive mercy Matthew 18:21-35 The unmerciful do not understand mercy The unmerciful cannot receive mercy James 2:13 God will treat us as we treat others Psalm 18:25 God delights to forgive Psalm 51:16-17 He gave His Son so He could Rom. 5:6-8 Receive His mercy today Rom. 10:17,13, 2:4, 6:3