Thru the Bible in 24 Weeks
Introduction The Bible contains stories of the greatest EVILS..... betrayals, revenge, deception, and The ultimate Prince of Deception: Satan The Bible contains stories of the greatest GOOD..... miracles, achievements, courage, and The greatest sacrifice for you and me The crucifixion & resurrection Of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Date of writing: 2000BC Author: Unknown Because of roving Chaldeans/Sabeans An Edomite about the same time of Moses/Genesis Northern Arabian Peninsula, Land of Uz A book about God’s Justice “on trial” – suffering of righteous. Even though author is unknown, we know that Job was a spiritual man, knew about foreign lands, plants, animals, etc.. He would have done priestly duties, giving animal sacrifices – a man with status - a righteous man who suffered much. We can never understand God’s Wisdom –the WHY behind every situation. JOB
Job’s Family The Creation... Noah... Abraham... Jacob's birth... Story of Job... Birth of Moses... His family & possessions: included 10 children (7 sons and 3 daughters), 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 female donkeys, & lots of servants. His sons “banqueted” often, inviting sisters to attend. Afterwards Job brought family together & offered burnt sacrifices - Just in case his kids sinned against God. Lesson: Pray for your children!!!!!!!
Satan 1 st Test of Job Read Job 1:6 - 12: Sons of God & Satan talk to God All in one day: - Sabeans killed all but messenger who told Job - Lightning storm burned up sheep & servants - Chaldeans stole all camels & killed servants - Powerful wind tore down house, killed all 10 kids Job tore his robe & shaved his head to worship God Naked I came from my mother’s womb – naked I will leave. The Lord giveth & taketh away.
Satan 2 nd Test of Job Job 2 tells about another conversation of the Sons of Gods & Satan: SKIN FOR SKIN: Strike his bones and flesh God said YES but SPARE HIS LIFE! BOILS FROM HEAD TO TOE Job’s Wife said Curse God – Job did not.
Job’s 3 Friends – 3 sets of Speeches Eliphaz (Teminite), Bildad (Shutite), Zophar (Naamanthite) Came to comfort & sympathize with him (failed) Barely recognized him; wept & tore their robes 7 days After 7 th day, Job spoke then his friends spoke It’s YOUR FAULT JOB – Your kids deserved it! What sin do you have & hiding in your life Job? Probably should have kept silent! Historical Belief: Righteous prosper and evil suffer!
Job’s Friends – ANGRY RESPONSES Job, you are righteous in your own eyes! God is disciplining you! You are an evil-doer, Job!
The Lord Spoke Were you there when I created the earth, made the seas, the stars, clouds, command the morning to come, seen the gates o death Who made the constellations? What are the laws of heaven? Send lightening bolts? Who put wisdom in man’s heart? Who feeds the birds? Do you know when birth comes? The Lord said he was angry with 3 friends. GOD RESTORED JOB! Doubled possessions. Job lived 140 years – saw 4 generations of his family
Message of Book of Job God is a sovereign and righteous God, trustworthy for every situation in life even when we do not understand. God testifies for Job that he is truly a man of character, BLAMELESS, Godly man, in ALL SITUATIONS.
ALL People Suffer, even God’s People The Book of Job is a story about one man BUT also about the sufferings of ALL people and that God may allow us some suffering but God is ALWAYS in control. God’s comfort and strength is always available to us!
The Answer to Life’s Problems Proper reverence for God Do not just confess God as Lord but to surrender everything to Him, in ALL areas of our life. Final Thoughts