Second Sunday of Lent March 16, 2003
Introduction: “After these events God TESTED Abraham”
Here I am!
First act (vv. 1b-6) Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love Go to the land of Moriah And offer him there, as a burnt offering in one of the mountains I will point out to you Abraham rose early next morning and saddled his donkey, took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac... The two of them went alone together
Second act (vv. 7-10) Isaac spoke to Abraham: - Father! He answered: Yes, my son? -The fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice? Abraham replied: - God will provide the lamb for the sacrifice, my son! And they went on alone.
They came to the place to which God had directed them, Abraham built the altar And set the wood on it. Then he bound his son, Isaac, And laid him on the wood – on the altar. Abraham stretched out his hand To seize the knife and slay his son.
Third act (vv ) Then the Angel of Yahweh called to him from heaven saying:
Here I am!
The Angel said Do not lay your hand on the boy do not harm him for now I know that you fear God for you have not held back from me your only son.
Abraham looked around and saw behind him a ram caught by its horns in a bush… Abraham named that place “The Lord will provide.” Abraham returned to his servants. And they went alone together towards Beersheba.
Conclusion: “Abraham stayed in Beersheba” (v.19b)
They were afraid Peter did not know what to say A CLOUD formed covering them with shadow From the cloud came a voice:
And suddenly As they looked around They only saw Jesus –A–A–A–Alone with them!
As they came down the mountain He ordered them:
They ignored the meaing of TO RISE FROM THE DEAD