What are the infinitives? To run, to fly, to cry, to eat, to jump, to drink, to read, to sleep… all of these are infinitives. An infinitive will almost always begin with to followed by the simple form of the verb, like this:verb to + verb = infinitive
THE INFINITIVE. Full sentences with the Infinitive form. I want to runvery fast. sleepin my bed. drinkwater. reada book. visitmy grandma. eata hamburger. bea teacher.
EXERCISE – INFINITIVE. LOCATE THE INFINITIVE IN EACH SENTENCE: 1. Because he loved French, Pierre refused to speak any other language. 2. The most important thing to do is not always easy. 3. To keep the class clean, they use the basket. 4. The student had four questions to ask the teacher after class. 5. To do well in that class, you must raise your hand to speak. 6. To do well in that class you must sit down properly.. An infinitive will almost always begin with to. But there are some exceptions! This is called…BARE-INFINITIVE
EXERCISE 2 – INFINITIVES 1. You don't need ___________ me that question. 2. Would you like __________ football with me? 3. I want ___________ like a bird! 4. It is nice ____________ in the garden at night. 5. I want ________ the television. to watch to fly to sit to ask to play
The Haunted House!!!! When I was a child I used to spend my holidays at my aunt and uncle’s old country house. One summer I remember having a strange experience. It was a hot afternoon and my cousin suggested (play) _____________ hide-and-seek. We wanted (go) ______________ outside, but we decided (play) _________ in the attic. After turning off the lights, we all hid in different places. I managed (hide) ________________ behind an old sofa. Then something odd happened. In the darkness we heard footsteps come into the room. The footsteps seemed (walk) ________________ towards the sofa. I wanted (move) _________________, but I couldn’t. Then suddenly the footsteps stopped and the door slammed shut. After waiting for a few seconds, we jumped up and ran downstairs without stopping. The house burnt the next year! to play to go to walk to hide to move to play