Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 Istituto statale comprensivo “Molise Altissimo” Carovilli Comenius Project ITALY
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008Biomasses that is as to produce energy from the waste
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 Biomasses are represented by organic materials (branches, leaves, etc) formed during the photosynthesis. 6 CO 2 + 6H 2 O C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 luce
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 But the word biomass indicates: Waste products resulting from agriculture;Waste products resulting from agriculture; Scraps of wood;Scraps of wood; Waste of agro industry;Waste of agro industry; Organic fraction of urban waste;Organic fraction of urban waste; Cultivated plants to energetic power.Cultivated plants to energetic power.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 When the biomasses are burnt it is obtained energy, nitrogen dioxide and water. These last will help the plants to produce new energies.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 Burning biomasses other substances are produced, even if bad, but in a quantity surely inferior to the combustion of oil or coal.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 Producing energy from the biomasses it is possible to eliminate many of the scraps and the waste resulting from human activities.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 The biomasses are used for the production of energy (biopower) and for the synthesis of the fuel (biofuel) besides for home heating.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 Some energy cultivation (sunflower, colza….) are used for the production of bludiesel, a mixture on the market similar to the characteristics of diesel oil and right for diesel engines.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 To produce biomass energy it is used: Their direct combustion ( wood);Their direct combustion ( wood); Their transformation in gas;Their transformation in gas; Their transformation in coal;Their transformation in coal; Their transformation in bio-oil and coal.Their transformation in bio-oil and coal.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 Use the biomasses is advantageous they are available in regard to the request and they preserve intact the energy until its employment.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 The teleheating is the right solution to exploit the biomasses because it gives heat to a group of houses or industries, near to the place of the production of the used biomass (wood, sawmills, etc…).
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 Manure and the organic part of solid urban waste can be used as biomasses in special systems (digestori) for the production of methane gas (CH 4 ).
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 With the exploitation of biomasses: We polluted less than with fossil combustible;We polluted less than with fossil combustible; We have renewable energy;We have renewable energy; We save money;We save money; We free the world from the waste.We free the world from the waste.
Teachers: Sferra Gabriella, Cinquina Maria, Conti Roberta School year 2007/2008 BIOMASSES: a way to save our planet!