Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
Clothing Clothing should be - Comfortable - Lightweight - Fast-drying Seams and waistbands can cause chafing It’s not pleasant being cold and wet You need to carry it! Consider the weather you will get warmer while you are walking you will need warmer clothes for after the tramp
Clothing - underwear - Comfortable - Supportive - Fast-drying Have you tried the new seamless microfibre underwear? Not yet!
Clothing - socks Preferably woollen to keep feet warm and dry
Clothing – long johns / thermals Fitted and comfortable - Warm - fast-drying Polyprop / merino Can be worn after walking and as PJs
Clothing - shorts - comfortable and non-restrictive Watch out for waistbands – the waist strap of your pack can cause chafing and bruising Just above the knee will be non-restrictive but protect from the sun Fast-drying fabric
Clothing – longs fitted and comfortable - warm - fast-drying Can be worn after walking to keep warm
Clothing – Tops Lightweight Merino / fleece Warmth? Sun protection?
Clothing - jackets Waterproof Light-weight and durable Long enough to keep you dry Avoid down / ski jackets (absorb water when wet)
Clothing – hats and gloves Polyprop / merino / fleece. Consider bulk and function
Material CottonHard-wearing & breathable Heavy when wet, can shrink & tear, not wind-proof, burns easily Fleece Lightweight, hard-wearing, does not absorb moisture, can be wind-proof Easily burnt Wool Natural, insulating even when wet, smoulders rather than burns Heavy when wet, slow to dry, can be itchy, can shrink Synthetics Prevents buildup of condensation, waterproof, wind-proof Seams may not be sealed, pores may eventually become clogged polypropyleneFast-drying, warm, light, cheapHolds body odours and burns easily
Clothing - layering Several thin layers are better than one thick - traps warmth and you can remove layers Core layer : polyprop/polyester/wool/cotton, fitted but not tight. Should wick water away from skin. 2 nd layer: loose but still protects neck and wrists. Lightweight 3 rd layer: woollen pullover or fleece jacket. Remove if hot. Replace before you get cold. Outer layer: waterproof windproof jacket (depending on climate) Hats: warmth, sun protection
Clothing - footwear Should be lightweight water-proof fast-drying supportive Leather: good support; but can be expensive, and heavy when wet Gore-tex: good support, insulated and waterproof; but expensive Synthetic: light, comfortable and cheaper; but less waterproof / support