ARLECCHINO (Lombardia) Astuto = smart Coraggioso = brave Poltrone = lazy He´s a servant, very poor, and he always works for rich and greedy people
GIANDUIA (Piemonte) Galantuomo Ama il vino, l’allegria,l’arguzia paesana. Gentleman He loves wine. He loves having fun in a simple way like people from villages use to do.
GIACOMETTA (Piemonte) Partner di Gianduia Aggraziata e vivace Dolce e appassionata Difende con forza i suoi diritti Gianduia´s partner Kind and nice girl. Sweet and passionated. She can fight hard for her rights.
BRIGHELLA (Lombardia) Servo sempre in cerca di avventure, pronto a ordire intrighi. Sa cantare e suonare He is a servant always looking for new adventures. He ´s always ready to plan trick and hoaxs
MENEGHINO (Lombardia) Personifica il popolo milanese Servo astuto Risposta sempre pronta e arguta He tipically represents people from Milan. He´s a smart servant. He ´s always ready for smart answers.
ROSAURA Impersona la fanciulla innamorata, onesta e semplice She is a simple and nice person, always in love with her partner and people. She never lies.
PANTALONE (Veneto) Vecchio brontolone Avaro Incontentabile Testardo He is the old, greedy, stubborn man. Never satisfied, he’s always complaing about everything.
Dott.BALANZONE ( Emilia Romagna) Pedante e noioso, rappresenta il principe del foro, pieno di paroloni; È famoso per le sue citazioni latine errate, pronunciate con assoluta serietà. King of the lawyers, he always overuses complicated language and wrong latin quotations in a serious way
RUGANTINO (Lazio) Seccatore Attaccabrighe Scansafatiche He´s a bothering man. He´s a wrangler. He´s lazy.
COVIELLO (Calabria) Furbo Vanitoso Fanfarone Abile suonatore di vari strumenti He´s smart. He´s a liar and a vain man. He can play many musical instruments.
TARTAGLIA (Campania) Balbuziente Spassoso e ridanciano Impersona il servo astuto o l’avvocato intrigante. Mai ruoli tristi o tragici He´s a stuttering man. He´s funny and he likes laughing. He plays the smart servant or the tricky lawyer. He never plays sad or tragical roles.
PULCINELLA (CAMPANIA) Indolente e malinconico Buono, ma egoista Mangione e ubriacone Canta e prende la vita con filosofia He´s lazy and sad. He´s a good man, but very selfish. He likes eating and drinking. He likes singing and he always faces life in a positive way.