- Mallorca - Spain 1 PHOCUS Project # Towards a PHOtonic liquid state machine based on delay-CoUpled Systems (PHOCUS) 7th RTD Framework Programme - Specific Programme Cooperation Theme 3 "Information and Communication Technologies" Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2009-C Proposal No PHOCUS Total Budget: 1,808,566 €UIB: 305,261 €CSIC: 330,228 €
- Mallorca – Spain PHOCUS Project # Personnel Involved - UIB Raúl Toral Alessandro ScirèMiguel C. Soriano Konstantin Hicke Jade Martínez Llinàs Claudio Mirasso PI
- Mallorca – Spain PHOCUS Project # Personnel Involved - CSIC Pere Colet Xavier Porte Neus Oliver Ingo Fischer PI
- Mallorca – Spain PHOCUS Project # Beneficiary Number * Beneficiary name Beneficiary short name CountryPI 1 (coordinator)Universitat de les Illes Balears UIBSpainC. Mirasso 2Agencia Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSICSpainI. Fischer 3Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIASGermanyG. Pipa 4Universitè de Franche- Comtè UFC-P5FranceL. Larger 5Universidad de Cantabria UCSpainL. Pesquera 6Potsdam Institut Fuer Klimafolgenforschhung PIFKGermanyJ. Kurths 7Vrije Universiteit Brussels VUBBelgiumJ. Danckaert
- Mallorca – Spain PHOCUS Project # v in : input mask w ij : connection matrix im : trained readout Liquid State Machine Concept
- Mallorca – Spain PHOCUS Project # Has recently emerged as the generic name in the field of machine learning, that are capable of solving complex classification problems RC is the mapping of a dynamical input onto a high dimensional state space. The input streams are converted into spatio-temporally distributed states of the reservoir. Specific computations can be realized by a mapping of these distributed states onto output states based on a trained readout. Three properties are necessary and sufficient conditions for powerful real time computing: Separation property (SP): SP addresses the amount of separation between the trajectories of internal states of the system that are caused by two different input streams Approximation property (AP): addresses the capability to distinguish and transform different internal states of the liquid into given target outputs. Fading Memory: ||u(t)-v(t)|| < in [0,T], ||f(u)-f(v)|| < in the same interval Reservoir Computing
- Mallorca – Spain PHOCUS Project # Output Input Output a) b) reduction of the number of required elements by using delay-coupled systems performance comparison between excitable and non-excitable elements investigation and implementation with electronic and photonics systems exploration of improvements of the concept introducing adaptive coupling (plasticity) The aim of this project is to design and implement a photonics realization of a liquid state machine (LSM). A single nonlinear element with delay is capable to perform certain task: Narma Test & Voice Recogniton
- Mallorca – Spain PHOCUS Project # Batch 1Batch 2Batch 3Batch 4Batch 5Batch 6 short STREP successful short STREP full STREP/CA23/629/925/231/326/553 successful full STREP/CA 16/220/319/0 13/330/0 Funded STREP/CA9/18/18/09/06/29/0 FET Open Statistics ~ 7,3%Batch 6 = 5.4%
- Mallorca – Spain PHOCUS Project # Projects Funded ~ 17 M€ EC Contribution