He is exalted He is exalted, the King is exalted on High I will praise Him He is exalted forever exalted, and I will praise His name
He is exalted He is the Lord, Forever His truth shall reign He is exalted, the King is exalted on High I will praise Him He is the Lord, Forever His truth shall reign Heaven and Earth, Rejoice in His holy name He is exalted the King is exalted on high
Lord, I lift Your name on high Lord I lift Your Name on High, Lord I love to sing Your praises, I'm so glad You're in my life, I'm so glad You came to save us. You came from Heaven to Earth, To show The Way,
Lord, I lift Your name on high From the Earth to The Cross, My debt You paid, From The Cross to the grave, From the grave to the sky, Lord I lift Your Name on High!
주가 보이신 생명의 길
주가 보이신 생명의 길
To be pleasing You Lord, I want to live my life to please You I bring my heart before You to re- mold Make of me a vessel fit for honor, That I might shine for You as sparkling gold. To be pleasing You
To be pleasing You Pleasing You. This is all I really want to do. To be Pleasing You, pleasing You, This is all I really want to do