Strong forms & weak forms Huang Wanmei
Strong forms & Weak forms Strong forms: stressed forms Weak forms: unstressed forms (schwa / /)
WordsStrong VowelsWeak Vowels at / // / has / // / she / :// / could / // /
How are strong forms changed into weak forms? From strong vowels to weak ones / / –Prepositions at for from of to –Aux verbs am are can do does had has have must shall should was were will would –Adverbs conjunctions articles a an and as but some than that the –Pronouns her them us you your
From strong vowels to weak ones / / –be been he him his she we / / dropping –Weak forms which drop their initial / / except at the beginning of utterances –had has had have he her him his
Rhythm of English Rhythm in English speech is based on stress. A rhythm unit is formed by a stresses syllable, together with unstressed syllables and 2 and 3 and 4 1 and a 2 and a 3 and a 4 1 and then a 2 and then a 3 and then a 4
Tom John Steve Sam Thomson Johnson Steven Samson Thomson and Johnson and Steven and Samson Thomson and then Johnson and then Steven and then Samson
Patterns of rhythm 1.Sentences with two stressed syllables Come here. Do it now. Leave it alone. They did it well. I think he ought to.
2.Sentences with three stressed syllables. Don’t go now. Sam works hard. I think he wants us to go. I’m sorry I’m late again. I wonder if he’ll tell them in advance.
3.Sentences with four stressed syllables. He used to play it every day. She ought to know the way by now. You said that he wanted us to come for the party.