The acceptability of illicit drug use in the Netherlands and Norway: a comparative study [preliminary results] Rosalie van der Sar 1, Einar Ødegard 2, Evelien Brouwers 1, Ien van de Goor 1, Jostein Rise 2, Henk Garretsen 1 1 Tilburg University, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tranzo, The Netherlands 2 Sirus, The Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drugs Research, Norway Alcohol and Drug Researcher’s Assembly, Reykjavik, August 2010
Introduction Research question Preleminary results Discussion Conclusion?! Overview
Introduction Acceptability :
Why of interest? Prevalence Policy
Lifetime prevalence Netherlands 1 Norway 2 Cannabis23%16,2% Other drugs6,1%3,8% 1 Rodenburg, G., Spijkerman, R., van den Eijnden, R., & van de Mheen, D. (2007). Nationaal Prevalentie Onderzoek Middelengebruik 2005 [National Prevalence Survey Substance Use 2005]. Rotterdam: IVO. 2 Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drugs Research. (2005). The drug situation in Norway Annual report to the EMCDDA. Oslo:Sirus
Policy Netherlands Cannabis use is tolerated Norway Zero-tolerance
Dutch drug policy Possession, trade and production of drugs are illegal Drug use is not an illegal offence Prevention and health education are an essentional part of Dutch public health policy: focus on youngsters. Distinction between hard and soft drugs based on health risks Coffee shops are tolerated to protect citizins against the use of hard drugs
Criteria coffee shops No advertising No hard drugs sales No causing any nuisance No access to coffee shops/sale of soft drugs under 18 years No sales of more than 5 grams per transaction per person
Hypothesis Expect a difference in acceptability Acceptability of cannabis is more pronounced in Netherlands than in Norway The acceptability of cannabis use should be more in line with the acceptability of cocaine/heroin in Norway than in the Netherlands
Methods Cross-sectional internetsurvey Fall 2008 Cases: N =5616 and N=2150 Opinion measured on 5 and 7 point Likert scale Compared cannabis, cocaine and heroin T-tests and Mann Witney U tests
How measured? Beliefs about acceptability 1.The fact that …. is used, ought to be accepted in Norway/Netherlands 2.[…. is come to stay in Norway/Netherlands] 3.[Use of …. is accepted by many] 4.In my opinion it is acceptable when my friends use …. once in a while 5.There is too strong regulation on in Norway/Netherlands 6.The legal system should (still) differentiate between cannabis and stronger drugs
How measured? opinion policy measures 1.Drug use should be legal 2.Cannabis use must be prohibited 3.Use of other sorts of drugs must be prohibited
Sample characteristics Netherlands (%)Norway (%) Age Men Illicit drug lifetime use Cannabis Cocaine3.4 Heroin0.70.6
T-test NLNO Mean (SD)tdfSig. Eta The fact that cannabis is used ought to be accepted in Norway/ the Netherlands 3.37 (±1.93) N= (±1.72) N= *0.088 The fact that cocaine/ heroin… 1.87 (±1.23) N= (±0.92) N= *0.051
T-test NLNO Mean (SD)tdfSig. Eta The legal system should (still) differentiate between cannabis and stronger drugs 4.66 (±1.97) N= (±2.15) N= *0.076 Drug use should be legal 2.48 (± 1.74) N= (± 1.22) N= *0.094
T-test NLNO Mean (SD)tdfSig.Eta Cannabis use must be prohibited 3.06 (±1.33) N= (±1.16) N= *0.145 Use of other sorts of drugs must be prohibited 3.84 (±1.16) N= (±0.79) N= *0.142
Discussion Prevalence There is a difference in prevalence rates between these data and national data reports: NL: lifetime use cannabis lower NO: lifetime use cannabis higher
Discussion Beliefs Strongest difference in opinion on drug policy measures not on beliefs ??? Acceptability is experienced differently than policy measures Symbolic politics 1 1 Ødegård, E. (1995). LEGALITY AND LEGITIMACY: On Attitudes to Drugs and Social Sanctions. Br J Criminol, 35(4),
Discussion Acceptability of cannabis is more pronounced in Netherlands than in Norway The acceptability of cannabis use should be more in line with the acceptability of cocaine/heroin in Norway than in the Netherlands Hypothesis Yes, but slightlyYes, though…
Discussion ….the scores on cannabis and cocaine/heroin items are not equal Difference between acceptability between cannabis and cocaine/ heroin is smaller in Norway than in Netherlands
Thank you! Rosalie van der Sar