Spiritual Leaders have three key people in their lives A Paul- a mentor. a hero that you look up to, but not idolize. Someone you can learn from. It doesn't have to be someone you know personally, but it sure helps if you do. A Barnabas- an encourager. This person needs to be a hands- on person. A person who is more your equal, who is willing to understand you, ask you tough questions, hold you accountable and love you unconditionally. I believe that a leader without a Barnabas-without the accountability this person provides-is an accident waiting to happen. A Timothy- a disciple. This is a younger person you are discipling and pouring your life into.
Major Events in the Life of the Apostle Paul a.d. 5–10? Born in Tarsus as an Israelite from the tribe of Benjamin and a Roman citizen (Acts 22:3, 28; Rom. 11:1; Phil. 3:5); raised in either Jerusalem (Acts 22:3?) or Tarsus 15–20? Trained as a Pharisee by Gamaliel I (Acts 22:3; 26:5; Gal. 1:14; Phil. 3:5–6)Acts 22:3, 28 Rom. 11:1Phil. 3:5Acts 22:3Acts 22:3; 26:5Gal. 1:14Phil. 3:5–6 30/33† Death, resurrection of Christ† 31–34 Present at Stephen's stoning; persecuted Christians (Acts 7:58; 8:1; 22:4a; 26:9–11; 1 Cor. 15:9; Gal. 1:13; Phil. 3:6)Acts 7:58; 8:1; 22:4a; 26:9–111 Cor. 15:9 Gal. 1:13Phil. 3:6 33/34* Converted, called, and commissioned on the way to Damascus (Acts 9:1–19; 22:6–11; 26:12– 18; Gal. 1:15–16)*Acts 9:1–19; 22:6–11; 26:12– 18Gal. 1:15–16 33/34–36/37 Stays in Damascus a short time (Acts 9:19b); leaves for “Arabia” (i.e., Nabataean Kingdom; 2 Cor. 11:32; Gal. 1:17); returns to Damascus (Gal. 1:17; Acts 9:20–22?); Jews and the governor under King Aretas try to arrest and kill him; Paul escapes through the city wall (Acts 9:23–24; 2 Cor. 11:32–33)Acts 9:19b 2 Cor. 11:32Gal. 1:17 Acts 9:20–22Acts 9:23–242 Cor. 11:32–33 36/37* Meets with Peter (and sees James) in Jerusalem (Acts 9:26–30; Gal. 1:18)*Acts 9:26–30Gal. 1:18 Hellenists seek to kill him and he flees to Tarsus (Acts 9:28–30; Gal. 1:21)Acts 9:28–30Gal. 1:21 37–45 Ministers in Syria/Cilicia (2 Cor. 11:22–27?)2 Cor. 11:22–27 42–44 Receives his “thorn in the flesh” (2 Cor. 12:7–9) 44 Herod Agrippa I dies (Acts 12:20–23)2 Cor. 12:7–9Acts 12:20–23 44–47* Spends a year ministering with Barnabas in Antioch (Acts 11:25–26) Second Visit to Jerusalem; time of famine (Acts 11:27–30; Gal. 2:1–10)*Acts 11:25–26Acts 11:27–30Gal. 2:1–10 46–47 First Missionary Journey (Acts 13:4–14:26): 1.5 years? 48* Paul and Barnabas spend “no little time” in Antioch (Acts 14:28; cf. Gal. 2:11–14); Paul writes letter to the GalatiansActs 13:4–14:26*Acts 14:28Gal. 2:11–14 48–49* Returns to Jerusalem for the apostolic council (Acts 15); Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch (Acts 15:30–33), but a dispute over John Mark causes them to part ways (Acts 15:36–41)*Acts 15Acts 15:30–33Acts 15:36–41 48/49–51* Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:36–18:22): 2.5 years?*Acts 15:36–18:22 49 Edict of Claudius (Acts 18:2)Acts 18:2
Major Events in the Life of the Apostle Paul Paul and Silas travel to southern Galatia through Asia Minor, on to Macedonia (notably Philippi [1 Thess. 2:2]); Thessalonica [1 Thess. 2:2; Phil. 4:15–16]; and Berea [Acts 17:10–15]), and then Achaia (notably Athens [1 Thess. 3:1] and Corinth [2 Cor. 11:7–9])1 Thess. 2:21 Thess. 2:2Phil. 4:15–16Acts 17:10–151 Thess. 3:12 Cor. 11:7–9 49–51* Spends 1.5 years in Corinth (Acts 18:11); appears before Gallio (Acts 18:12–17); writes 1 and 2 Thessalonians*Acts 18:11Acts 18:12–17 51 Returns to Jerusalem? (Acts 18:22)Acts 18:22 52–57* Third Missionary Journey (Acts 18:23–21:17): 5 years?*Acts 18:23–21:17 52 Travels to Antioch, where he spends “some time”; then travels through Galatia and Phrygia (Acts 18:23)Acts 18:23 52–55 Arrives in Ephesus (Acts 19:1; 1 Cor. 16:8); ministers there for three years (Acts 20:31) and writes 1 Corinthians in the spring, near the end of his ministry there; makes brief, “painful visit” to Corinth (2 Cor. 2:1), then returns to Ephesus and writes “tearful, severe letter” (now lost) to Corinth (2 Cor. 2:3–4; 7:8–16)Acts 19:11 Cor. 16:8Acts 20:312 Cor. 2:12 Cor. 2:3–4; 7:8–16 55–56* Travels north to Macedonia, where he meets Titus (Acts 20:1; cf. 2 Cor. 2:12–13); writes 2 Corinthians*Acts 20:12 Cor. 2:12–13 57* Winters in Corinth (Acts 20:2–3; cf. 2 Cor. 9:4), writes letter to the Romans from Corinth; travels to Jerusalem and is arrested (Acts 21:27–36)*Acts 20:2–32 Cor. 9:4Acts 21:27–36 57–59 Imprisonment transferred to Caesarea, where he stays for two years (Acts 24:27)Acts 24:27 60* Voyage to Rome; shipwrecked for three months on the island of Malta (Acts 28:11); finally arrives in Rome*Acts 28:11 62* Under house-arrest in Rome (Acts 28:30–31), writes Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon*Acts 28:30–31 62–67 Released from house-arrest in Rome, extends his mission (Spain?), writes 1 Timothy (from Macedonia?) and Titus (from Nicopolis); is rearrested, writes 2 Timothy from Rome shortly before his execution 64–67* Martyred in Rome * denotes approximate date; / signifies either/or; † see The Date of Jesus' Crucifixion*The Date of Jesus' Crucifixion
Definition of Spiritual Leadership Oswald Sanders, in his book, Spiritual Leadership, states that a "true leader influences others spiritually only because the Spirit works in and through him to a greater degree than in those he leads.
Definition of Spiritual Leadership Oswald Sanders, in his book, Spiritual Leadership, states that a "true leader influences others spiritually only because the Spirit works in and through him to a greater degree than in those he leads. Jesus, the ultimate example, taught the role of the servant. Mark 10: states, "Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all.“
Definition of Spiritual Leadership Oswald Sanders, in his book, Spiritual Leadership, states that a "true leader influences others spiritually only because the Spirit works in and through him to a greater degree than in those he leads. Jesus, the ultimate example, taught the role of the servant. Mark 10: states, "Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all.“ “Spiritual leadership is servant leadership. Jesus Christ Himself taught us, "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28).
Definition of Spiritual Leadership Oswald Sanders, in his book, Spiritual Leadership, states that a "true leader influences others spiritually only because the Spirit works in and through him to a greater degree than in those he leads. Jesus, the ultimate example, taught the role of the servant. Mark 10: states, "Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all.“ “Spiritual leadership is servant leadership. Jesus Christ Himself taught us, "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28). John Piper defines spiritual leadership as knowing where God wants people to be and taking the initiative to use God's methods to get them there in reliance on God's power.
Paul sails for Rome
Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Leaders have a vision. “A deep sense of what they are to do, where they ought to go and how they are to do it”. Montoya
Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Leaders have a vision. “A deep sense of what they are to do, where they ought to go and how they are to do it”. Montoya A spiritual leader proclaims the gospel boldly. “But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts”. 1 Thessalonians 2:4
Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Leaders have a vision. “A deep sense of what they are to do, where they ought to go and how they are to do it”. Montoya A spiritual leader proclaims the gospel boldly. “But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts”. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 Leaders are loyal. “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him”.2 Chronicles 16:9
Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Leaders have a vision. “A deep sense of what they are to do, where they ought to go and how they are to do it”. Montoya A spiritual leader proclaims the gospel boldly. “But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts”. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 Leaders are loyal. “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him”.2 Chronicles 16:9 Leaders are trustworthy. Acts 24:23 “He commanded the centurion to keep Paul and to let him have his liberty, and told him not to forbid any of his friends to provide for or visit him”.
Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Leaders have a vision. “A deep sense of what they are to do, where they ought to go and how they are to do it”. Montoya A spiritual leader proclaims the gospel boldly. “But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts”. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 Leaders are loyal. “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him”.2 Chronicles 16:9 Leaders are trustworthy. Acts 24:23 “He commanded the centurion to keep Paul and to let him have his liberty, and told him not to forbid any of his friends to provide for or visit him”. Leaders seize the initiative. “The survivors who are left from captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire”…..he must give me timber for the city wall..Nehemiah 1:3-8
Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Leaders take charge. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24
Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Leaders take charge. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24 Leaders lead by example. “But it is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life for a ransom for many.” Mark 10:43-44