Mudpuppy Salamander’s By : Vanessa &Darren
Table Of Contents Slide 1 –Title Page Slide 2 – Table Of Contents Slide 3 – Introduction Slide 4 – Habitat Slide 5 –Facts Slide 6 – Tadpole Measurement Chart Slide 7 –Food Slide 8-Facts Slide 9- Conclusion Slide 10 – Bibliography Slide 11- The End
Introduction Il y a trois different kaind de Salamandre dans Manitoba. Our research is on the Mudpuppy Salamander.We chose this Salamander because we like it. We are presenting facts on the habitat, food and other interesting facts. We chose these these things because we thought they were very interesting. Il y a trois different kaind de Salamandre dans Manitoba. Our research is on the Mudpuppy Salamander.We chose this Salamander because we like it. We are presenting facts on the habitat, food and other interesting facts. We chose these these things because we thought they were very interesting.
Habitat Mudpuppy Salamanders are found in medium to large rivers or lakes. Mudpuppy Salamanders are found in medium to large rivers or lakes. This Salamander is found in eastern Lowa along the Mississippi River. This Salamander is found in eastern Lowa along the Mississippi River. They take refuge under sunken objects such as rocks,logs,boards,and other debris. They take refuge under sunken objects such as rocks,logs,boards,and other debris.
Facts Mudpuppies are active all year round but are mainly nocturnal. Mudpuppies are active all year round but are mainly nocturnal. They have small compressed gills. They have small compressed gills. Adult Mudpuppies are brown to a reddish brown, or a gray above with varying numbers and sizes of black spots. Adult Mudpuppies are brown to a reddish brown, or a gray above with varying numbers and sizes of black spots. This Salamander has 4 toes in the front and back feet. This Salamander is listed as an Endangered Species in Lowa. It is said that Mudpuppies probably do not have keen eyesight and rely heavily upon olfactory cues to find there pray.
Tadpole Measurement Chart DateHeadsTailsTotal May 4/01 5 mm. 10 mm. May 8/01 4 mm. 5 mm. 9 mm. May 14/01 6 mm. 12 mm. May 16/01 10 mm. 15 mm. 25 mm. May 23/01 10 mm. 30 mm. 40 mm.
Food This Salamander will eat anything it can catch such as crustaceans, insects, worm, fish, fish eggs, other salamanders, and crayfish. This Salamander will eat anything it can catch such as crustaceans, insects, worm, fish, fish eggs, other salamanders, and crayfish.
Facts This Salamander is extremely slimy and nearly impossible to hold with bare hands. This Salamander is extremely slimy and nearly impossible to hold with bare hands.
Conclusion Nous esperons vous nos presentation sur ce Mudpuppy Salamander. We hope you enjoyed our presentation on the Mudpuppy Salamander. Ici est de autre interessant de fait sur eux. Here are some other facts interesting facts about them: they can lay eggs each spring. They have 4 sets of gills but don’t use one.They eat tadpoles and also other small animals like small frogs. Il y a des si beaucoup a apprendre envioir le Mudpuppy Salamandre en vous aux void. Nous esperons vous nos presentation sur ce Mudpuppy Salamander. We hope you enjoyed our presentation on the Mudpuppy Salamander. Ici est de autre interessant de fait sur eux. Here are some other facts interesting facts about them: they can lay eggs each spring. They have 4 sets of gills but don’t use one.They eat tadpoles and also other small animals like small frogs. Il y a des si beaucoup a apprendre envioir le Mudpuppy Salamandre en vous aux void.
Bibliography Encarta Encarta
The End