Introduction to Morality
Mark 10:17-22 (pg 12 of book) What does this passage mean?
What makes you happy?
What does Jesus Say will make you happy?
What is instant gratification?
what is the difference between instant gratification (PLEASURE) and HAPPINESS? Why is it so difficult to choose between the two?
Example: “immediate gratification of alcohol often leads to a lifetime of misery and wasted talents” Pg 12
What is the secret of happiness? Putting what Jesus teaches into practice Putting what Jesus teaches into practice Putting it in practice = a moral life
“Whenever we act contrary to what God has in mind for us, we are at odds with our true selves and will ultimately be unhappy.” pg. 16
How do we do this? Follow His example by using and sharing the gifts He has given us and doing the will He intended What gifts do you have? How does it make you feel to use them? How does it make you feel to use them to help others?
Is it True? Being good leads to happiness Being bad leads to unhappiness
As a child, what were some of the “bad” things you were taught not to do? What were some of the “good” things you were taught you should do?
How is it different now? Do you consider long term? Do you do things because you were told and are obedient or because you think things through and make your own decisions? How do you make your decisions… what is your definition of morality?
Why is it important to study morality?
What’s Right? What’s Wrong? Respond to questions p. 9 individually Divide into groups Discuss your responses and share with large group: 1) Which # were you most in agreement about? 2) Which had the most disagreement?
What is Morality? Catholic view: a special kind of “knowing what ought to be done” Traditional Definition: The science of what humans ought to do by reason of who they are
Sources of Catholic Moral Knowledge 1) Human reason: Our God-given intellects 2) Human Experience: Collective wisdom of others, both living and dead 3) Divine Revelation: Teachings of God as found in the scriptures and teachings of the Church.
Responsibility requires… 1) Freedom 2) Intelligence
Morality as Response to God Continuing venture to become fully the persons God wants us to be Morality involves hearing God’s voice and then responding to it
We are able to respond because of: Intelligence and Freedom Help of the Holy Spirit Support of the Church Help of the Magisterium Help of Jesus
Intelligence and Freedom God gave us intelligence to know the truth and made us free beings with dignity. We can determine our own lives through our decisions and actions with God’s help and grace.
Help of the Holy Spirit Many gifts bestowed on us through baptism and other sacraments that allow Christ to live in and work through us
7 gifts of Holy Spirit Wisdom Understanding Counsel Fortitude Knowledge Piety Fear of the Lord
12 fruits of the Holy Spirit Charity Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Generosity Gentleness Faithfulness Modesty Self-control Chastity
Support of the Church Where we receive God’s Word which contains Christ’s law Sacraments: especially Eucharist Christian community
Help of Magisterium Pope and Bishops are authentic teachers Possess Christ’s own authority to teach truths of salvation Responsibility to teach and guide faithful Christians Infallibility: gift of being preserved from error
Help of Jesus Jesus as our model and norm of fully human life
What is… Moral Amoral Immoral
Moral May refer to issues of right or wrong (ie: moral dilemma) May also refer to “that which is good” (ie: she is a person with strong morals)
Immoral Generally refers to that which is bad or to the way people ought not to act One who does not act in conformity with accepted principles of right or wrong
Amoral Refers to morally neutral actions- those which are neither good nor bad (ie: breathing) Can also be used to describe decisions made without any consideration of moral actions.
“There is a difference between having a moral halo and having moral integrity” Goody-goodie vs. Good person: Doing things because that is expected versus doing it because it’s the right thing. “A truly good person struggles to understand why some things are right and others wrong, struggles to do the right thing. He is far more likely to understand human experience and empathize with those who in their honest search and struggle, sometimes fail and make mistakes.”