1 Pertemuan 15 The Business Owner’s View Matakuliah: A0194/Pengendalian Rekayasa Ulang Informasi Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/5
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menjelaskan the business owner’s view Menunjukkan kebutuhan kontrol pada the business owner’s view
3 Outline Materi Information Systems Building the Business Owner’s View Defining Terminology Mapping Data to Function Breakthrough #1 Breakthrough #2 Step Three: Identify Primitives Function for Each Entity
4 Information Systems
5 Building the Business Owner’s View Three Steps to Building the Business Owner’s View: 1.For each enterprise business function, identify all the entities that it creates from the list of potential entities created in the Ballpark view. 2.Refine the Global data Classes and enterprise business functions until there is a one to one mapping between an enterprise business function and a global data classes. This mapping defines the high level boundaries of an information system and makes it easy to communicate their scope. 3.Identify a primitive function that creates each entity within the refined global data class. This step better defines the information system in more detail by identifying the primary function functions and data that should be contained within its boundaries.
6 Defining Terminology Function: A high level group of business activities. Primitive function: in the upper levels of the architecture, a primitive function is still a high level business activity. Process: A business activity.
7 Mapping Data to Function Function AGlobal Data Class -primitive Function A1 -Data Class 1a -primitive Function A2 -Data Class 1b ?-Data Class 1c Function AGlobal Data Class -primitive Function B1 -Data Class 2a -primitive Function B2 -Data Class 2b -primitive Function B3 -Data Class 2c
8 Breakthrough #1 Do you have disconnects between lead- generation activities and follow up by the sales organization?
9 Breakthrough #2 Do you have a disconnect between marketing’s view of market segments and the setting of sales territories?
10 Step Three: Identify Primitives Function for Each Entity Primitives Function/Data MarketsTerritoriesProspects Identify Target Markets C Identify Sales Potential within Markets C Identify prospects C Primitive functions that create entities for target marketing
11 Step Three: Identify Primitives Function for Each Entity Primitive Function/Data Marketing Offering Prices Create Market Offerings C Price Market Offerings C Primitives Function THAT CREATE ENTITIES FOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
12 The End