Calentamiento (5 min) 1.Answer the questions on the worksheet. What do you think “me llamo” might mean? 2.How was watching Spanish television for 5 minutes? What strategies did you use to try to understand? Give examples. 27 de agosto de 2013
Pregunta Esencial: How do I meet others? Objetivos: Practice the alphabet Learn how to greet others and say your name Menú del Día: HW Review Alfabeto Greetings and Introductions Práctica Discipline
¿Qué vieron? (What did you watch?) <-- El Chavo del 8
¡A practicar! El alfabeto
Pase de Continuación 1) What is the one letter in the Spanish alphabet that doesn’t exist in English? 2) How many ways can you pronounce each vowel in Spanish? 3) The Spanish letter ‘Z’ sounds like which letter in English? 4) Which letter in Spanish is always silent? 5) Which Spanish letters are “borrowed” from other languages? (You may need to make an educated guess for some of these!)
¡A jugar! El ahorcado (hangman) Categorías: --Estrellas (celebrities/stars) --Películas (movies) --Canciones (songs) --Pasatiempos (hobbies/activities) --¿Otros? (Other category ideas?)
Malas Noticias (Bad news…) QUIZ ON THURSDAY! TOPIC: El alfabeto I will say the names of different letters of the alphabet, in random order. You will have to recognize them and write them down as you hear them. How will you practice? This link and the link to “Órale, el alfabeto,” will be posted on the class website.
¡Hola! Hola = hello. Time-specific greetings: – Buenos días. – Buenas tardes. – Buenas noches.
Me llamo ____________. (My name is __________) Me llamo Sr. Agvanian. ¿Cómo te llamas tú?
¿Cómo estás? (How are you?) Lo básico: Estoy (I am…): – Bien – Mal – Más o menos. “What’s up?” = ¿Qué tal? (Answer it just like you would “¿Cómo estás?”)
¡A Practicar! Using your worksheet, ask 10 of your classmates their name, as well as how they are doing. Record their responses. Please answer your classmates with complete sentences (por ejemplo, “Me llamo Juancho,” “Estoy más o menos.”)
Saying goodbye Lo básico: Adiós Lo regional: Chau More specific: Hasta luego (See you later.) Hasta mañana (See you tomorrow.) Hasta pronto (see you soon) Nos vemos (See ya) Tengo que irme (I have to go.) How did the Terminator say goodbye? HASTA LA VISTA (Until next time)
Práctica Final. Let’s see how much you’ve learned! With your partner or a group of three, fill in the blanks in the two conversations on the worksheet. Use your understanding strategies if there are words you don’t know.
Pase de Salida Write a short dialogue of two people meeting for the first time. Include: Greetings Asking and giving their name Asking how they are