Healthy Way of Life
Brain Storm
Give the Name of the Words Humour, deep, fibre food, Humour, deep, fibre food, dairy products, climate, nation, cottage cheese, carrot, fish, kingdom, сustoms, boiled eggs, salad, deep, meat, respect, juice, foreign, fruits, sour cream, departure. Humour, deep, football, skiing, climate, nation, skating, games Humour, deep, football, skiing, climate, nation, skating, games walk a lot, morning exercises, kingdom, customs, hopscotch, tag, regular meals, deep, respect, ride a bicycle, departure. Humour, deep, obese, fat, climate, nation, obesity, sweets, fast food, Humour, deep, obese, fat, climate, nation, obesity, sweets, fast food, computer a lot, kingdom, customs, smoking, deep, watching TV a lot, sleeping a lot, indoor games, respect, departure, playing indoor games, skipping meals, sleeping too little. skipping meals, sleeping too little.
The Right Food
Unhealthy Way of Life
Healthy Way of Life
What Is His Mistake?
SOS!!! Help Me, Please.
At the Doctor
How We Follow Healthy Way of Life Results of our investigations
Poet’s Corner Mama Knows Best You shouldn’t do it that way, You ought to do it this way. You ought to do it this way, You ought to do it my way. You shouldn’t go with them, You ought to go with us. You shouldn’t take the train, You ought to take the bus.
Proverbs About health
Bad Habits