OBJECTIVE: To use TV adverts to understand how and why gender roles have changed in the UK.


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Presentation transcript:

OBJECTIVE: To use TV adverts to understand how and why gender roles have changed in the UK.

OUTCOMES… Grade C All – Will be able to describe how the media influences our view of gender roles in the UK. Grade B Most – Will be able to explain how and why gender roles have changed over the years. Grade A-A* Some -Will be able to reflect upon whether gender inequality still exists in the UK.

STARTER... Listen to the following words carefully... Using your mini whiteboards quickly decide if you associate this word with a man or a woman. It is important to decide quickly and to go with your gut reaction.


Look at the lists of words in each column... Can you suggest other words which ought to appear in each column. Where do these “gender stereotypes” come from? This lesson we will be looking at how the differences between men and women are portrayed and how the roles of men and women have changed over the years. “Top Five Things Women Can’t Do - Make a decision. - Watch football without talking. - Drive in a straight line. - Use ten words when a hundred will do. - Speak on the phone for less than 15 minutes. - Buy a Yorkie.” “Top Five Reasons To Be A Bloke - One mood – all the time. - You can go to the bathroom by yourself. - You can change a plug. - The first thing you try on in a shop fits you. - You can read maps. - You get to eat a Yorkie.”

TV ADVERTS...THEN Watch the following TV adverts. In two columns write down what the adverts seem to be saying about MEN and WOMEN.

http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie_vintage.php?filename=VA0435 http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie_vintage.php?filename=VA0116 http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie.php?filename=TA7162 http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie.php?filename=TA7429 http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie_vintage.php?filename=VA0638 http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie.php?filename=TA1689

Please set your book up in the following way... Changing attitudes to gender roles in the UK MAKE NOTES HERE! In past... Gender roles in the UK The present...

A century ago only 15% of married women worked outside the home. In the past Until the middle of the 20th Century most people thought a woman's role in society was to stay at home and look after the children. A century ago only 15% of married women worked outside the home.

In the past - voting Before 1918 no women were not allowed to vote. Many fought and risked their lives to ensure women got this right. 1918 women over 30 allowed to vote 1928 women over 21 allowed to vote 1967 everyone over 18 allowed to vote

Fighting for EQUAL RIGHTS Other major developments which have brought about change in the rights and roles of for women have been the contraceptive pill and the growth of the feminist movement in the 1960s. After each war ended women’s organisations campaigned for equal rights for women. What changed? During the 2 World Wars attitudes to the roles of women changed because women had to do the work of men who had gone off to fight.

Gaining EQUAL RIGHTS... In 1970 women were given the right to receive equal pay (when doing the same job as a man). Although there was some resistance – many thought men should get more as they had families to support and that children benefited more from being brought up by their mother.

Changing attitudes to gender roles in the UK In past... Gender roles in the UK The present... MAKE NOTES HERE!

The roles of men and women have significantly changed. The present... The roles of men and women have significantly changed. Many men take a much more active role in the raising of the children and care of the home. Men are much more willing to cook and do tasks that in the past were classed as ‘women's work’.

Girls seem to be achieving higher grades in Breaking through... Now, there are more examples than ever before of women achieving great things in the arts, business, sport and politics, but inequalities still exist. Girls seem to be achieving higher grades in examinations than boys, yet many women still feel that they have to work harder than men to achieve an equivalent position in the work place.

Watch the following... http://www.truetube.co.uk/relationships/sexual-equality/90-years-of-feminism

WHY have attitudes changed? Discuss this with the person next to you. Can you come up with at least 3 reasons why the roles of men and women have changed over the years... The SUFFRAGETTE movement – women were no longer willing to be treated like 2nd class citizens. The World Wars – women had to take on many jobs previously done by men and did them just as well. Human Rights – the UDHR fought for equal rights for everyone. The Feminist Movement The Labour Government – 1964-70 and 1974-1979 were dedicated to equal rights for women.

Watch the following... http://www.truetube.co.uk/relationships/sexual-equality/housework-or-office-work

Today in the UK, legally women and men have equal rights. But is it all equal?... Today in the UK, legally women and men have equal rights. Nevertheless inequalities still exist . Men still earn approx 17% more pay than women in similar positions. Traditional roles still exist – women do the majority of household chores and childcare. In the workplace there are still jobs that are seen as ‘female’ (e.g. Nursing). Fewer women are given positions of real ‘power’ (e.g. Government jobs)

BUT….are men and women equal in society in 2012? Plenary… BUT….are men and women equal in society in 2012?