“Strategic Planning on a Shoestring” Making Less = More Lana Gardner Libbie Cheek
STRATEGIC PLANNING – A GUIDE TO THE FUTURE Brings everyone to the table Identifies the purpose of the organization Outlines actions to reach set goals Changes over time "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. "I don’t much care where--" said Alice. "Then it doesn’t matter which way you go," said the Cat. "--so long as I get SOMEWHERE," Alice added as an explanation.
Where will your library be in 3 years ? 5 years ? 10 years ? Prediction is difficult, especially about the future. - Yogi Berra
Creating a Strategic Plan Things you should know: It takes time It takes cooperation It requires an open attitude to change
Step 1: What is our purpose? To serve… To provide… To share… To enhance… To encourage… To enrich… To connect… To expand… To transform… To promote… To improve…
Mission Statement Purpose – the work you do Vision Statement Future – the change you wish to create Value Statement Tools – the core beliefs and guiding principles you use to share your mission
Our Mission: The Cherokee County Public Library strives to connect the community with quality resources that encourage literacy, expand learning, and enrich lives. Our Vision: The Cherokee County Public Library is a cornerstone in the community, a catalyst for literacy, and a center for life-long learning. Providing free and equal access to informational, cultural, and educational resources, we are committed to: Delivering excellent service Responding to evolving needs Serving with trust and financial integrity Building community relationships
Get them involved! Step 2: Who are our stakeholders? Board of Trustees/Directors Friends of the Library Staff Businesses Community Organizations Donors Patrons
Step 3: What is important? Knowing your community Knowing your staff Knowing your policies Knowing your limits
Cherokee 2020 Cherokee County Community Indicator Project What are the needs ? How can you find out ?
Initial Phase Timeline Community Leaders, April 2009 Research Document Published, May 2010 Issue Area Task Forces Formed Education Public HealthFamily & Youth at Risk Crime & Safety Economic Development
Community Benefit Current Statistical Data Issue Area Awareness & Recognition Community Partnership Grant Opportunities
Cherokee 2020 Cabinet Project Leaders Issue Area Task Forces Education Public Health Family & Youth at Risk Crime & Safety Economic Development Know(2) Early Childhood Do the Math Transitions Adult Education
Libbie Cheek United Way of the Piedmont For more information on Cherokee 2020 or the United Way, visit the web-site at Or contact…
Step 5: What next? SO, WHAT DO YOU DO WITH ALL THESE SURVEYS, NOTES, AND OPINIONS? Look for patterns in patron requests and needs. Compare current resources and services with needs of the community. Be aware of and open to future changes! Establish strategies (goals) that are SMART--- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Responsible and Time-specific. Be succinct…your strategic plan needs to be available to and understandable by the community.
Step 6: Is it complete? Now that it’s all together, the new Strategic Plan will most likely need to be approved by the library’s governing body (i.e., Board, County) before it is shared with the public. All stakeholders should have access to the plan, in print or on-line. STRATEGIC PLAN 2012 – 2015 Approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees September 18, 2012
Strategic Planning Forms and Information Get Started: Survey Form SWOT Form Resource List Plan Outline SP Powerpoint Contact: Cherokee County Public Library 300 E. Rutledge Avenue Gaffney, SC Tel Fax Director: Lana Gardner Thank you!