Vocabulary 小朋友你知道 有不同的發音嗎?現在就讓我們來一探究竟! ou oughtould ou, ought, ould Jazz chant Story time Activities
mouse house cloud mountain
fought thought bought brought sought ought could should would ould
小朋友,請你用剛剛學過的發音規則,大聲 地將下面的韻文唸出來! 1. ~Round about~ Round about, Catch a wee mouse; Up a bit, up a bit, In a wee house.
2. ~Two Little Eyes~ Two little eyes to look around, Two little ears to hear each sound, One little nose to smell what’s sweet, One little mouth that likes to eat.
小朋友,現在我們要來比賽 ㄛ! 看誰能又快又正確地把下面的繞口令唸出來! How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood? It would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could, If a woodchuck could chuck wood.
The story is about a mouse. We bought it four months around. We brought it to our home and gave it the name ”Mouse”
But yesterday I couldn ’ t find my mouse. It wouldn ’ t run outside the house. It should have been inside the house. It ought to be sleeping on the couch.
I sought my mouse round, round and round. Hours later I found a cat inside my house. It was lying on the ground with a tail in its mouth.
I shouted out loud and kicked the cat out. My little mouse should be in the heaven now.
Activity ( 一 ) 請協助迷路的單字寶寶找到他們的家族 should proud ou 家族 ought 家族 ould 家族 outsideboughtwould fought could sought mouse
Activity ( 二 ) 請找出母音與第一個單字相同者 1.bound young country count 2.around hour course pour 3.broughtfought through though 4.wouldfought should blouse