Jason is thinking of buying a pet dog. His friend, Laura, already has one, so he is asking her for advice about how to look after one. (J = Jason, L =


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Presentation transcript:

Jason is thinking of buying a pet dog. His friend, Laura, already has one, so he is asking her for advice about how to look after one. (J = Jason, L = Laura) next

J: I’m thinking of getting a pet dog, Laura. You’ve had yours for years, so can you You’ve had yours for years, so can you give me some advice about how to look give me some advice about how to look after one? after one? L: OK. First of all, you should know that caring for a dog is hard work, so you caring for a dog is hard work, so you should make sure you really want to should make sure you really want to have one. have one. J: Why is it such hard work? You just need to play with it and feed it, right? to play with it and feed it, right? next back

L: Wrong! You have to exercise it so that it stays healthy. it stays healthy. J: Sounds like I ought to take it to the gym! gym! L: I mean that you should take your dog for a twenty-minute walk for a twenty-minute walk twice a day. That’s once in twice a day. That’s once in the morning, and then again the morning, and then again in the evening. in the evening. next back

J: Wow! That means I’ll have to get up early in the mornings. Anything else? early in the mornings. Anything else? L: You must train it to follow commands such follow commands such as “Sit,” “Stand,” as “Sit,” “Stand,” “Come here,” and “Drop “Come here,” and “Drop it.” These can take it.” These can take months. months. J: Months! You’re kidding! next back

L: I’m not. That’s another reason you should think very carefully before you should think very carefully before you get a dog. get a dog. J: Thanks for the information, Laura. I’m not sure that I’m ready to own a I’m not sure that I’m ready to own a dog yet. Let’s go and play with yours! dog yet. Let’s go and play with yours! back end

1. command  n. [C] 命令,指示 Tips for You back

2. information  n. [U] 資訊 Tips for You back

Jason is thinking of buying a pet dog. think of 表示「考慮做某事」。因 of 為介 系詞,後接之動詞要改為動名詞。例: ‧ Mary is thinking of taking a trip to Paris. back

...advice about [how to look after one]. →...advice about how he should look after a pet dog. (1) 在此 how 引導的名詞片語作為 about 的 受詞。 (2) one 代替前面提過的 a pet dog 。 back

You’ve had yours for years...? 這裡為現在完成式,表示 Laura 已經養狗 很多年了。第一個 have 為表示現在完成 式之助動詞,與 you 縮寫成 you’ve 。第二 個 had 解釋為「有」,是過去分詞。例: ‧ John has had a collection of stamps since five years ago. back

first of all first of all 「首先,第一」用來引入要談論 的第一件事,類似用法有 first 或 to begin with 。 care for care for 表示「照料,照顧」。例: ‧ Who will care for the cat when we are out? back

Why is it such hard work? 形容詞 such 表「那樣的」,用來修飾 hard work 。例: ‧ Joining in a speech contest is such an unforgettable experience to me. Sounds like I ought to take.... → It sounds like I ought to take.... back

These can take months. take 表示「花費 … 時間」。例: ‧ It took me two days to finish reading the latest Harry Potter novel. back

Thanks for the information, Laura. 此句亦可寫成 Thank you for the information, Laura. , thanks for 表示「謝謝 … 」。以下 補充一些表達感謝的用語: ‧ I owe you one. ( 我欠你一次恩情。 ) ‧ I’m very grateful. ( 我非常感激。 ) ‧ Thanks a million. ( 非常感謝你。 ) next

Thanks for the information, Laura. ‧ You are a godsend. ( 你真是天降福星。 ) ‧ I really appreciate it. ( 我很感激。 ) ‧ That’s very nice of you. ( 你人真好。 ) ‧ Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ( 我衷心地感謝你。 ) back