WHAT’S IN PRAYER THAT GIVES IT POWER?  P rovision  R estoration  A nointing  Y ielding  E xpectation  R ewarding P RAYER ’ S ACTIVE INGREDIENTS.


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Presentation transcript:

WHAT’S IN PRAYER THAT GIVES IT POWER?  P rovision  R estoration  A nointing  Y ielding  E xpectation  R ewarding P RAYER ’ S ACTIVE INGREDIENTS

"Ask And It Will Be Given To You; Seek And You Will Find; Knock And The Door Will Be Opened To You.” (Matthew 7:7) PROVISION

Is Any One Of You In Trouble? He Should Pray. (James 5:13) RESTORATION

“In The Same Way, The Spirit Helps Us In Our Weakness. We Do Not Know What We Ought To Pray For, But The Spirit Himself Intercedes For Us With Groans That Words Cannot Express. And He Who Searches Our Hearts Knows The Mind Of The Spirit, Because The Spirit Intercedes For The Saints In Accordance With God's Will.” (Romans 8:26-27)

“The Prayer Of A Righteous Man Is Powerful And Effective.” (James 5:16)

“For Everyone Who Asks Receives; He Who Seeks Finds; And To Him Who Knocks, The Door Will Be Opened.” (Matthew 7:8)

“But When You Pray, Go Into Your Room, Close The Door And Pray To Your Father, Who Is Unseen. Then Your Father, Who Sees What Is Done In Secret, Will Reward You.” (Matthew 6:6)

Pray Continually

“Lord, Teach Us To Pray” (Luke 11:1)

Our Father Which Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done In Earth, As It Is In Heaven. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. And Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtors. And Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil: For Thine Is The Kingdom, And The Power, And The Glory, For Ever. Amen. (Matthew 6:9-13)

Compliments of Truth Nothing But Truth (TNT) Evangelistic Outreach

Provided By Inspiration of the Holy Spirit Prepared by Rev. Lenny M. Young Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved. Bible Verses From The NIV and King James Version Song Entitled “Pray” By Cece Winans