A WebQuest for Grade 7 Health Designed by Karen S. Hatch
IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes Did the local fast food restaurant have an outbreak of Hepatitis A? Have your parents been discussing the dreaded “shots” you MUST have to enter school? Are those little red spots some exotic disease? Just how vulnerable are YOU to ANY disease present in our world today? Accept the challenge to become a disease detective to find out all you’ve ever wanted to know and much, much more. Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGEIntroduction
IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes Students will: Research a particular disease Generate a mini-poster describing that disease Compose three statements that are unique to that disease Work as a detective in a small group to examine mini-posters to identify a disease using the three statements Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 Task
1.You will draw the name of a disease from the subject box. 2.You will then research that disease by using sites from the resources page. Include notations on cause, mode of transmission, symptoms, treatment/cure, prevention, and interesting facts or statistics about this disease. Use common terms, not medical terms that are difficult to understand. 3.Using Word you will generate a mini-poster (8 ½” x 14” – legal size sheet of paper) summarizing that information and a picture of the disease (if available). Additional pictures may be added to illustrate any other information generated. Continued on next page IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 The Process
Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes 4.Apart from the poster, you will list three unique facts about your particular disease. Be sure it is unique, not just “fever” as that could apply to several of the diseases. 5.Posters will be placed around the room. 6. You will then be placed in groups of three to examine each mini-poster. Each group will be given a complete list of all the unique statements written. Using these, each group will identify the diseases and record answers on notebook paper. The Process
Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes Continued on next pageEvaluation
Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher NotesEvaluation
Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes Now that you’ve learned about many diseases: What habits do you need to change to stay healthy? What lifestyle changes should you make to stay healthy? What information did you learn in this unit that you can discuss with your family to help each member stay healthy? What can you do to help individuals within your school or community stay healthy? Conclusion
Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. Standard Explain the interrelationships between behaviors, the functioning of body systems, and overall health Explain key health terms and concepts. Students will demonstrate the ability to access and evaluate health information, products, and services. Standard Apply guidelines for wise selection and use of health information, products, and services. Students will demonstrate the ability to implement decision making and goal setting skills to enhance health. Standard Demonstrate the ability to apply a decision- making process to health issues and problems individually and collaboratively. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health. Standard Demonstrate the ability to express information and opinions about health issues. Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher NotesStandards
Centers for Disease ControlCenters for Disease Control use to find specific disease information GoogleGoogle type name of your chosen disease in search box plus information desired, i.e. symptoms, treatment, cure, prevention, etc. Encarta online encyclopediaEncarta online encyclopedia type name of your chosen disease in search box to access information CNN Health Library CNN Health Library type name of your chosen disease in search box to access information Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher NotesResources
Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes There are no sexually transmitted diseases as that is a separate unit within the Health curriculum. Students will need to know various terms for disease detection, including virus, bacteria, treatment, cure, vaccine, vaccination, as well as operation of various body systems involved. This unit will take three days. One day will be spent in the computer lab. Each student will need their own computer for that one period. They will need to know how to use the internet for research as well as how to import clip art. The second day will be for generating posters and questions with the third day designated as “detective” day. Continued on next page Teacher Notes
Become A Disease Detective Created by Karen S. Hatch August 4, 2004 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes These diseases will be used: anthrax, asthma, bronchitis, chicken pox, cholera, common cold, diphtheria, Ebola, epilepsy, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, influenza, Lyme disease, Mad Cow disease, malaria, measles, meningitis, mononucleosis, mumps, pertussis (whooping cough), pneumonia, poliomyelitis, rabies, rubella, salmonella, smallpox, strep throat, tetanus, tuberculosis, and West Nile virus. At the end of day two, the teacher will need to compile the three questions from each student so a list of all questions will be available for groups to use to identify the diseases. Teacher Notes