DERMAPTERA (earwigs) GRYLLOBLATTODEA (iceworms, rock crawlers) MANTOPHASMATODEA (African rock crawlers )
Embiodea(=Embioptera) Zoraptera Dermaptera Grylloblattodea Mantophasmatodea ? Orthoptera Plecoptera Phasmatodea prognathous head Aquatic nymphs Ovipositor lost Terrestrial nymphs Silk glands No silk glands Cerci modified to forceps Cerci not modified Saltatorial hind legs Hind legs not saltatorial
Dermaptera Number of Species Common names Distinguishing characteristics Other features Typical habitats Hexapod Orders >1900 earwigs Derma - skin, ptera - wing - cerci - large forceps - fossorial - damp, dark - females show parental care
Myths about earwigs
Earwig Food
Dermaptera - Cerci
Dermaptera – Life cycle Female lays eggs in top few cm of soil Hatch in 1 week Female tends eggs & nymphs for 2 weeks Overwinter in soil Mate and complete 1 more cycle Mate
Suzuki, J.Ins.Sci. 10:2-8 Effect of maternal care
Suzuki, J.Ins.Sci. 10:2-8
Female preference in offspring feeding - high quality food - dyed green - Low quality food - no dye Mas et al, Proc. R. Soc. B
Kohno, Res. Pop. Ecol. 39:11-16 Matricide 86.7%
Giant earwig – St. Helena
Grylloblattodea Number of Species Common names Distinguishing characteristics Other features Typical habitats Hexapod Orders 25 Iceworms, rock crawlers Gryllo - cricket, blatto - roach - near melting snow, litter in alpine forests -multi-segmented cerci -wingless -live in cold habitats -restricted to Northern Hemisphere -omnivorous
Grylloblattid - Habitat
Grylloblattid – Life cycle Female lays eggs in soil or moss Hatch in 1 month to 3 years Nymphs – 8 instars (about 7 years) Females sexually mature after 1 year Mate
Grylloblattid Distribution
Mantophasmatodea Number of Species Common names Distinguishing characteristics Other features Typical habitats Hexapod Orders 8 African rock crawlers, gladiators, heelwalkers Manto - mantid, phasmato - stick insect -xeric, rocky habitat -wingless -enlarged arolium -closest relative - Grylloblattodea -carnivores
Discovered in amber
Mantophasmatodea - Predatory adaptations Large eyes Spines on forelegs
Mantophasmatodea - Life cycle Eggs hatch - juveniles develop in winter (wet) months Autumn rains (May) Mating Eggs laid in egg pod -resists desiccation
Mantophasmatodea - Relationship to other orthopteroid orders Egg cases (roaches, mantids) Predatory adaptations (mantids) Wingless (grylloblattids) Prolonged mating (phasmids) Substrate communication (stoneflies) Male eaten after mating (mantids) Male much smaller than female (mantids)
Mantophasmatodea - Distribution
Mantophasmatodea - Distribution Grylloblattids Mantophasmatodea
Embiodea(=Embioptera) Zoraptera Dermaptera Grylloblattodea Mantophasmatodea ? Orthoptera Plecoptera Phasmatodea prognathous head Aquatic nymphs Ovipositor lost Terrestrial nymphs Silk glands No silk glands Cerci modified to forceps Cerci not modified Saltatorial hind legs Hind legs not saltatorial Notoptera = Grylloblattodea + Mantophasmatodea