San Francisco Bay Pilot Mike Connor Executive Director San Francisco Estuary Institute
Partners Federal Agencies EPA - Karen Schwinn, Associate Director, OW,, Region 9 NOAA - Rebecca Smyth, California Regional Coordinator USGS - Jim Cloern, Dave Schoelhamer, Research Scientists USFWS - Colin Eagle-Smith, Environmental Contaminants State of California Steve Ritchie, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Dr. Paul Siri, State Coastal Conservancy Tom Mumley, San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board Chuck Armor, Interagency Ecological Program Marcia Brockbank, San Francisco Estuary Program Barbara Washburn, OEHHA Dr. Terry Fleming, SWAMP, (EPA on-loan) Academia Dr. Toby Garfield, San Francisco State University Dr. John Largier, UC Davis, Bodega Bay Non-profit Sector Heather Kerkerring, CeNCOOS Dr. Francisco Chavez, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Denise Greig, The Marine Mammal Center
Replumbing the Bay: The CA Water Projects Since 1956 ~30% of inflow routed to irrigation and Southern California
Delta Smelt (IEP)
Spring Calanoid Abundance (IEP) P. amurensis L. tetraspina Number per cubic meter
Current Projects in the San Francisco Bay Region
Few Contaminants Account for Most Risk Ratio of Amounts in Fish to Benchmark HgPCBsDioxinsSeDieldrinDDTChlordane
Legacy Pollutants: Amount in Bay >30x larger than annual inputs
Bay Sediment PCBS
Hydraulic Mining Dominates the Bay Sediment Budget Practiced from 1863 – 1884, then outlawed. >100 million m3 of sediment washed into Central Valley. Main bed sediment pulse passed Sacramento ~1950. Channel and floodplain deposits remain. still moving thru system. Expected response time Sediment yield Expected response
Unpublished data provided by Darell Slotton Sentinel Species for Evaluating Mercury Release Mississippi silverside 2005
Linking Mercury to Effects: A Conceptual Model Trophic Transfer Maternal Transfer Fail-to-Hatch Hatch Mortality (<10 d) Survive Incubation Abandon (Obj. 1A) (Obj. 1B) (Obj. 2) (Obj. 3) Egg Hg Abandonment Egg Hg Hatchability Egg Hg Chick Survival Egg Hg Effects
Wetland Goals Project PastPresentFuture Wetland Design Guidelines:
Updates linked to Ca 401 Certification Program
Level 1: Landscape assessment based on the distribution, abundance, shape, size-frequency, etc of wetlands (e.g., NWI, Ca Wetland Inventory). Level 2: Rapid assessment using checklists or other semi- quantitative devices to score wetland sites relative to a range of condition from least impacted to highly degraded (e.g. ORAM, CRAM). Level 3: Evaluation of ecological services in their own regard (e.g., Unit Hydrograph, IBI’s) and to validate Level 1 and Level 2 results Part of a Developmental Framework for Comprehensive Assessment and Monitoring
CRAM Design Template Wetland Condition Landscape Context HydrologyPhysical Structure Biotic Structure Four attributes of wetland function contribute to the overall wetland condition Scores are recorded for metrics for these attributes
Multiple Level of Effects (MLOE)
International Importance for Migratory Birds Pacific Flyway Migration and Wintering Area (20% of N. A. waterfowl in the Central Valley & SF Bay) Western Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve Network Western Waterfowl Migration Routes
SF Bay Seals Major estuary use Blood sampling common Draft Interim Report to NOAA Fisheries/NMFS, April
PFOS Detections in Baltic, Artic, and SF Bay n=18 n=12n=18n=26 Source: Giesy and Kannan 2001, ES&T; n=3
SERL USGS USGS-RMP Sewage Treatment Upgrades
Cloern, 2006
Nutrient Sampling
Summary Heavy Emphasis –Fresh Water Flows –Nutrients –Contaminants –Wetlands –Biology Little Emphasis –Air –Groundwater
Score card summarizes the results for sub- metrics, metrics, attributes and the AA. Scoring is transparent and allows for easy evaluation of AA strengths and weaknesses. Stressor Checklist can be used to identify possible corrective actions
Steps of CRAM Assessment Step 1:Identify and classify the Focal Wetland Step 2: Assemble background information Step 3:Sketch the CRAM Assessment Area (AA) Step 4:Conduct the office assessment of AA Step 5:Conduct the field assessment of AA Step 6:Complete CRAM QA/QC Step 7:Submit assessment results using eCRAM
Fill out site info …
And score the site conditions …
Upload data from Field PC or transcribe from paper forms
Then view the data. Select a site …
Zoom to it…
On an aerial image …
Of the AA …
And compare site scores to ambient condition
Average PBDEs in SF Bay Seal Plasma
Mortality 4 Janet Thompson, USGS