Value 1.Create value using Shading Hatching/cross-hatching Stippling 2.Value is used to give a shape dimension. Shapes become forms when value is added.
Shading is the technique of adding value to an object. This is accomplished by holding the graphite at an angle, creating a smooth gradation. Gradation is the smooth blending from light to dark.
Stippling is the use of dots to create value (technique). This is accomplished by placing dots very close together to create dark values and farther apart to create lighter values.
Cross-hatching is using irregular lengths of parallel lines, sometimes crossing over each other diagonally, to create value. The closer together the lines are placed, the darker the value. One direction parallel lines are hatching.
Hatching Cross Hatching
Value Scales
ShadingStipplingCross Hatching
Each of you will receive one or two 1 in x 1in square. You will have to re-create the value of that square by stippling on a 3in x 3in square of white paper. You will then get another square to re-create by cross- hatching. There will be a number on the back of the square make sure you write that number down on the back of your 3in square. We will be putting these all together to create a large grid picture.