TIC 101 Chuck Hoysa TIC Coordinator - Virginia
TROUT IN THE CLASSROOM TIC is an Environmental Education program focused on raising trout and incorporating cold water conservation issues and connecting students with local watersheds. The program is a cooperative effort between the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and the Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited
WHAT STUDENTS DO…… Raise trout from eggs to fingerlings Monitor tank water quality Engage in stream habitat study Appreciate water resources Connect with local watersheds Foster a conservation ethic
September – set up tank Late Sept/early Oct – receive eggs October – eggs hatch Nov – March – raise fish March/April – release fish Daily – water testing and feeding Weekly – water changes TIMELINE
Chiller Fluval canister filter 55 gallon aquarium Typical Set-up
What kind of Trout? Brook Trout Native to Virginia Rainbow Brown
MAINTENANCE Water testing Water changes Feeding Equipment checks
GRADE LEVEL APPROPRIATENESS Elementary thru High School SOL’s for everyone Single class tanks Grade level tanks ‘Whole School’ tanks
Incorporating TIC into the classroom Science Math Art Reading and Writing Social Studies Physical Education Lesson Plans Virginia TIC Manual Virginia TIC Curriculum Guide www. troutintheclassroom.org
RELEASE EVENTS March – May Approved streams Release day activities Fish release Macros Water testing Nature hikes Tree ID Bird watching Fly casting
What can go wrong? Equipment failure Power outage Over feeding Water quality First weeks Condensation Poor egg hatch Poor sanitation
Time Commitment Depends on how many schools you’re working with September – Set-up October – Egg delivery Spring – Releases Most TIC programs have Trout Unlimited volunteers who communicate with teachers by regular Relatively few visits to schools
Equipment Aquarium Chiller Filter system Air stone and tubing, Gravel Thermometer, Water test kit, Egg basket, Turkey baster, Styrofoam
Expenses Chiller - $600 Filter/air pump/etc. (kit) - $200 Aquarium - $50-$100
Funding Local Chapter TU (Partner) Classroom Grants General school funds PTO Parents Civic clubs, Environmental Organizations/Businesses
TIC IN VIRGINIA About 200 tanks Winchester Fairfax Warrenton Richmond Shenandoah Valley Roanoke Martinsville SW Virginia
Interested in participating? DGIF Provide eggs Approve release sites Keep records TU Chapters Egg distribution Release planning Technical information New Partners Coordinate with TU and DGIF Provide funding Provide manpower
Kit 1 - $847 Kit 2 - $294 Kit 2A - $188 Kit 3 - $740 Contact Stephanie Welsh ext