Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative – year three CYCLING WORKING GROUP Experts: Oliver Hatch & Pascal van Den Noort Velo Mondial Rapporteur: Katherine McWilliam, TTR
Year two – participating cities Six cities in year two; Aalborg, Brescia, Copenhagen, Glasgow, Malmö, & Prague.
Modal share and cordon count
Now on to year three… Four parts to this presentation 1.Results of what we have done Yr 1& Yr2 2.Looking for new cities to join the group 3.Ideas for new themes 4.Ideas for ways to work
Cycling WG. Year 1 highlights A lot of work done in a short time to get the group going Research questions were: –mainstreaming cycling –role of infrastructure & marketing –barriers to cycling
Cycling WG. Year 1 highlights Continued… Links to indicators used in other projects Useful results achieved in the timescale
Cycling WG. Year 2 highlights More cities added to the group More detailed work on Yr 1 indicators
Cycling WG. Year 2 highlights Continued… Research questions: –Marketing –measuring effects of policies –integrating cycling with public transport modes Joint working group meeting with PT Desire to build on this in year 3
Looking for new cities to join Currently have 5 cities, but more would be welcomed. Welcome to London and The Hague who joined the group for year three Have approached other cities and projects & there is interest
Ideas for new themes & actions Accept proposed new year 3 theme of ‘cycling as a component of joined-up urban transport journeys (cycle-walk-PT)’ Develop cycle-public transport joint indicators, on intermodality, best practise and practical ways to work together
Ideas for new themes & actions Continued… Develop our work on marketing Develop a model cycle policy monitoring & evaluation template Develop potential for school travel plans
Ideas for new ways to work Agree with proposal to have a joint site visit/s with the PT working group Also invite PT operators to join cycling WG and its meetings with a view to improving ‘joined-up journeys’
Ideas for new ways to work Continued… Focus on more cities rather than more indicators Log useful indicators for which data does not exist
Want to know more? Contact Katherine McWilliam (working group rapporteur) Phone: +44 (0)