POSSESSIVES (Adjectives and Pronouns) Andressa Ribeiro do Amaral
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Os Possessive Adjectives são adjetivos que indicam posse: My car is black. Her house is near the hospital. Estes adjetivos SEMPRE vem seguido de substantivos.
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Os Possessive Pronouns são pronomes que indicam posse e que substituem o substantivo na oração: My house is near yours. (yours = your house) My children study with theirs. (theirs = their children) Por atuarem como os próprios substantivos, estes pronomes NUNCA vão acompanhados de substantivos.
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES X POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS AdjectivesPronouns MyMine YourYours His HerHers Its--- OurOurs YourYours TheirTheirs
EXEMPLES These are not my keys. These are yours. My lipstick is more colorful than hers. His parents look like mine: they are always advising us. Their apartment is bigger than ours and also more comfortable.