Legislative & Hatch Act Training
Introduction Who I am: Adair Gregory, NAGE Federal – Legislative & Communications Specialist Work History – Campaigns & Federal Employee My job at NAGE – What a lobbyist does – Channels of communication
Purpose of this Webinar The Hatch Act – A brief history – Do’s and Don’ts The Legislative Process Refresh – The many ways a bill becomes a law The Power of Communication (internal v. external) Effective lobbying ideas – Using the Legislative process to your members’ advantage
The Hatch Act of 1939 Implemented as a result of 1938 Congressional elections – Most recently amended in 2012 – “An Act to prevent pernicious political activities” Why is this legislation needed? – Gives an unfair advantage to incumbents – Obama and Administration – Employees shouldn’t campaign in order to protect jobs – Creates incentives for politicians to reward government employees Hatch Act violations in the News: s#axzz3AmRxlovohttp:// nal-county-feds-close-probe-of-sheriff-deputy/article_b1784cec-1d80-11e bb2963f4.html s#axzz3AmRxlovohttp:// nal-county-feds-close-probe-of-sheriff-deputy/article_b1784cec-1d80-11e bb2963f4.html
Why is this relevant now? We are entering election season Cracking down on Federal employees who benefit from elections Violations go against mission of agencies Can foster corruption – Goes against reasons why many chose to work
Hatch Act Do’s & Don’ts My Experience – Always know where the line is – Better safe then sorry DO: – Support local candidates – Make your voice heard – Stay involved and volunteer free time – Keep NAGE informed on candidates YOU support – Organize – Help and encourage people to register
Hatch Act Don’ts What can happen if I violate the Hatch Act? – Lose your job – Spend time in court – Excessive fines DON’T: – If you are on the clock simply do NOT engage in any political activity. – Use any government issued equipment for political activity – Send s during work hours or use government issued for political purposes – Advertize political affiliation while on the job – Shirts, pins, lawn signs ect.
Legislative Process Refresh How a bill becomes a law run-through. – Introduced in either House or Senate Referred to subcommittee, hearings – Referred to Committee » Voted on before the whole body, House or Senate Bill moves to other body – Same process Bill moves to conference committee – Signed by POTUS
Legislative Refresh Pt. 2 There is more than one way to get something changed in Congress Parliamentarian / Rules Committee Annually reoccurring legislation – Appropriations – The Budget – Defense Authorization Amendments and Open/Closed rules – Examples, Union Busting and funding levels
How does communication help in our efforts? YOU ARE THE MOST INFORMED PERSON IN YOUR WORKPLACE! What would you like to see changed through legislative action? Talk to the employees you represent, see if they are experiencing the same problems. What are their interests? Contact NAGE – Identify the problem – Potential solutions – Use NAGE as a way to focus intensity & craft a unified message
Communication Blueprint Ideas come from the locals – Locals identify big picture changes (not ULPs) Get an idea of how many members are effected – Bring up the issue on Presidents calls – Request updates – Set up meeting with Congressperson through NAGE
Pending Legislation & Goals Elections this November, Congress votes until January 2015 – Short time for this Congress Lame duck session post elections 3.3% Raise for all Federal employees National Defense Authorization Appropriations
Bills that HELP Federal Employees Pay Raise for all Federal Employees Furlough Protection WCF Employees Public Employee Pension Transparency Withdrawal from Thrift Savings Plans in the Event of a Gov. Shutdown Military & Civilian Pay Protection Social Security Fairness Security Clearance Oversight Law Enforcement Officers Equality HR 4306 HR 4435 S.779 HR 1643 HR 3187 S.896 S.1276 HR 1362
Bills that HARM Federal Employees Restricts Funds for Official Time Restricts Tax Delinquent Individuals from Becoming Federal Employees Federal Employee Accountability (Official Time) Extend Pay Freezes 1% Reduction in Discretionary Spending Reduce the Size of Federal Workforce HR 122 HR 828 S HR 273 HR 56 HR 593
The Sequester Where are we now? – No changes in 2014 or 2015 $2.5 Trillion in cuts Could extend to 2021 and beyond Defense and non-defense cuts Likely pension reform for new Federal employees
Army, Navy & AF Non-Appropriated Funds Pay parity issues on joint bases BRAC as early as 2017
IBPO & Firefighters Retirement benefits Increased training Parity LEOSA
Department of Veterans Affairs VA reform legislation – What’s included? $17B increase in funding More positions available 27 new clinics Faster firing of senior executives RTLS – Defund? – Amend Policy?
Contact your Congressperson How to / Best Practices Run the idea past NAGE, might have more support than you think Insist on receiving a statement on their position Encourage others / strength in numbers Ask NAGE to track legislation or idea
Contact your Congressperson Pt. 2 Look them up – Call or write – bill support.doc bill support.doc Run by NAGE to get support
Review The Hatch Act – What you can & can’t do The Legislative Process Effective Communication Pending Legislation Contacting Congress