EML 2023 – Modeling, Assemblies Lecture 3.2 – Assemblies, part 2.


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Presentation transcript:

EML 2023 – Modeling, Assemblies Lecture 3.2 – Assemblies, part 2

Final Assembly The final assembly will include the previous sub-assembly. Pilot holes will be drilled into the frame at the assembly level, not at the part level as was done with the hatch. 2

sub-assembly 3

We will line up the hatch and the frame by mating the right plane of the assembly with the right plane of the hatch part. If the hatch part was not built as being symmetric with respect to the right plane, an offset distance mate could be used to center the hatch sub- assembly. 4

Mate the back face of the hinge to the front face of the frame. Offset the top face of the hinge 2” from the top face of the frame. 5

Mate the hinge faces. Mate the cylindrical edges as concentric. 6

Pilot Holes Time to make the pilot holes in the frame. – make a sketch in the front plane of the frame – put points at the center of the hinge holes – hide the hinge and add four circles centered on the four points with diameter of 0.2 inches – close sketch and cut a depth of 0.65” Insert  Assembly Feature  Cut  Extrude 7

Can check for interference detection. 8



Top level only BOM. 11

Top level only BOM. 12

Parts only BOM. 13

Parts only BOM. 14