Albatross Population Monitoring in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Photo: Pete Leary
Sites with population monitoring during entire breeding season North shore of Oahu North shore of Kauai Tern Island, French Frigate Shoals Laysan Island Midway Atoll Kure Atoll
Damage to Tern Island Field Station Erosion Flooding Storm Surge Mike Johns
Midway Atoll Annual Albatross nest count
Midway Albatross count team 2014
Resurgence of Bonin Petrel populations after rat eradication in 1996 has necessitated modification of count techniques as burrows become more prevalent Photo B. Arrigoni
Hatch year ,525
Hatch year ,776 nests,
Laysan Island Albatross Nest Counts till HY 2011 Black-footed Albatross
Monitoring Effort Update-HY2014 Tern Island: Loss of nesting seabirds and infrastructure on Tern Island due to extreme weather event in December Field station still closed for the foreseeable future. Laysan Island: Nest count and demographic plots not conducted due to medical evacuation of crew from the island in October Field camp still closed due to budget constraints until the foreseeable future. Midway Atoll: Full nest count conducted and demographic plots monitored in HY 2014.
Verbesina encelioides eradication projects at Kure Atoll and Midway Atoll funded by NFWF, ABC, Friends of Midway, USFWS, and DOFAW, State of Hawaii yielding spectacular Results. No Control Verbesina Control
Photo: Pete Leary Eastern Island 2014 – Verbesina on the run
Short-tailed Albatross chick hatched January 2014 – Eastern Island Midway
Flickr: Tumblr: rare-and Facebook: Front page: News release: Links for viewing Short-tailed Albatross photos and video at Midway