Getting started with Twitter #schoolnetsa 1
Intel ICT in the Classroom Conference 2013 Twitter- Our back channel tool We will be using twitter as our backchannel tool during the conference. This means that you can… Connect and network with one another Have discussions. Share links and resources on the fly! Keep up with conference news and information. Go to or on your cellphone: Or download the app from your app store. 2
Go to Enter your Real name Enter your Choose a password Click on “Sign Up” You can access Twitter from your mobile phone by going to your mobile browser and typing in or using the twitter app on your smartphone. #Schoolnetsa Step 1: Register for a twitter account 3
You will receive an with a link to click on to confirm your registration. #Schoolnetsa Step 1: Register for a twitter account Enter your REAL name. Twitter is about REAL people Insert your address and password Choose a username that will most accurately describe you Kitty Cat ************* Kittycatclever Tick only if you do not share your computer! 4
Follow the on-screen instructions Twitter will take you through a series of steps to help you build a quick network of interest. #Schoolnetsa Welcome to the twitter experience! Click on Next Your tweet stream will show on the right
By following people that have the same interests as you or educational leaders and organisations, you can create a powerful learning network on the fly. #Schoolnetsa Build your network of interest Click on follow You can skip any of the following presented steps by clicking on Skip this step to the bottom left Don’t feel obliged to follow someone- your twitter experience will be determined by those who you follow. So follow GOOD sources!!!
#Schoolnetsa Search for your own topics of interest 7 Type in any topic, subject person or organisation that you would like to follow into the search dialogue box and hit Enter You will be shown a list of the top people to follow for any given topic You will see a list of the top people for each search topic
#Schoolnetsa Search for your own topics of interest 8 Before you follow someone, first click on their twitter name to see what they are about You can always unfollow someone if they do not add value to your learning experience. If you like what you see, click on Follow
#Schoolnetsa Categories of interest 9 Click on a displayed category to see some relevant people / organisations to follow Remember you can skip this step by clicking on Skip this step on the bottom left.
See who of your friends / colleagues are already using twitter. By giving Gmail Yahoo Hotmail/AOL Linkedin permission to share your contacts, it will auto search who is already on twitter and display a list for you to follow. Remember…you can skip any of these steps by just clicking on Skip this step on the left hand bottom of your screen. #Schoolnetsa Find people you know 10 You can always do this later…
Update your profile by uploading a picture and inserting a Bio Click on Upload image and navigate to a picture of yourself If you are shy, choose a picture that represent you or an avatar (a cartoon you) Complete your BIO. Make it short, sweet, professional. #Schoolnetsa Create your profile 11 Visit your Bio often and update to make relevant! If you want real teachers to follow you, make sure that you update your settings, profile picture and Bio!!!!!!!! Hatch your egg!!
Activating your will give you access to many other services on twitter Check your inbox for an from Twitter. Click on the confirmation link contained in the . You will now be able to receive direct messages directly to your inbox. You will still be able to use Twitter even if you have not confirmed your . #Schoolnetsa Twitter- Confirm your account 12
If you want real teachers to follow you, make sure that you update your settings, profile picture and Bio!!!!!!!! Hatch your egg!! #Schoolnetsa Tweak your settings 13 NO Click on Settings Click on the dropdown arrow under your Settings icon at the top
Click on Settings Account (Dropdown under your profile icon top right) Insert your real name, username and will be filled in already Do NOT protect your tweets – your post will not display in the conference stream if you do!! #Schoolnetsa Twitter- Tweaking your settings 14
Change your time zone to your local time e.g. (GMT+2) Pretoria Choose if you want others to see your location (you will then be able to locate others near you) Un-tick Protect my tweets Do NOT protect your tweets – your post will not display in the conference stream if you do!! #Schoolnetsa Twitter- Tweaking your settings 15
Click on Profile Upload a photo of yourself (please hatch your egg NB!!!) You can adjust your name. Be real! Where are you based? Insert your /organisation’s web address or blog. Say something about yourself that will give potential followers a sense of what you do/are interested in. #Schoolnetsa Profile-Hatch your egg!!! Not updating your Profile settings is like leaving your house without putting clothes on Make sure that your Bio is professional and take your privacy into account. Peter De Lange Pretoria South Africa Love learning, sharing and social media 16
Tweets are in reverse chronological order with the newest at the top. Your tweet stream appears on the right. #Schoolnetsa Reading your tweet stream 17 Click on Home to read everybody’s tweets including yours Read your tweets here
Tweets are in reverse chronological order with the newest at the top. Your tweet stream appears on the right. Schoolnetsa Writing tweets 18 Write your new tweet (status update) here Or click here to open a new tweet window
Go ahead, and introduce yourself so that we can see you in the #schoolnetsa stream! Remember you only have 140 characters! If you cannot say it in 140 characters, feel free to do a few tweets…….tweet ……tweet…….. Don’t forget to add the workshop hashtag #Schoolnetsa to your tweet (anywhere) #Schoolnetsa Twitter: Your first workshop tweet Start typing You will see how many characters you have left next to the Tweet button Your current location Click on the Tweet button to send. 19 I am a #sateacher, teach #mathslitsa at #kingschool and am a newbie #edutwit #schoolnetsa
DO: Use good language Share valuable resources and shorten them ( Ask questions and give answers/opinions/support. Think before you tweet! Add value to your network……… DON’T: Use ALL CAPS (it is screaming) Tweet in an “altered state” Forget to credit those tweets that you are passing on (re-tweeting- RT) Demean or criticise others Remember that your tweets are very public and reflect on you as a person and as a representative of an organisation. Schoolnetsa Twitter etiquette The #Schoolnetsa conference resources & bookmarks can be found here: 20
Schoolnetsa Re-tweeting Re-tweeting is a way to pass on valuable links and resources from your network to your followers Hover cursor over tweet Click on the Retweet link that appears above the tweet. Click Retweet Or add RT for “retweet” (it is short!) in front of name in a normal tweet Re-tweeting people’s tweets also make them aware that you value their contribution and they will probably follow you, building a stronger network 21
The value of retweeting is that you become a filter for your followers and create relationships for a powerful network. Re-tweeting means that you value the information and feel that it is worthwhile to pass on. It adds value to your followers experience. Schoolnetsa Re-tweeting Check the resources first before passing it on! Think if you REALLY want to pass it on! 22
Schoolnetsa How do you follow the workshop stream? #Schoolnetsa Everything that will be happening will be in the #Schoolnetsa twitter stream!!!!! Type #Schoolnetsa into the search window. Click on the Gear icon and choose Save search so that you can get back to it quickly! #Schoolnetsa
Schoolnetsa How do you follow the workshop stream? #Schoolnetsa If you do not see your tweet in the conference stream it means that you have not added the hashtag #Schoolnetsa to it (anywhere) Once you are in the conference stream, click on ALL to see everyone's tweets #Schoolnetsa
How do you have conversations with someone? You will find tweets directed at you under Connect Mentions Hover over the tweet to you and click on Reply Or add to your tweet They are not following the right people obviously! Add the rest of your reply. Hover your cursor over the tweet and click on Reply
Schoolnetsa How do you follow a conversation? Always check your Mentions and In reply to ….to make sure that you do not miss out on replies directed at you. Click on In reply to… The conversation will open up in chronological order Click on Hide conversation to close the conversation
Schoolnetsa Ideas for using twitter Build a PLN Share resources Response / discussion tool Students share work Share resource links Assessment Summaries Educational conversations Collaboration Classroom/ conference backchannel
Schoolnetsa Keep in touch!! See you in the twitterverse! This tutorial has been prepared For more free tutorials and online workshops see/like 28 Maggie Verster Twitter handle: School 2.0 blog: Ict4champions: Mathsliteracy community: Library blog: Maths blog: Schoolnet website: Schoolnetsa Conference blog: Schoolnetsa Facebook page: Twitter: Schoolnetsa member blog for free webinars: