MORPH To gradually change into a different image To change gradually and completely from one thing into another thing usually in a way that is surprising or that seems magical.
LESSON OBJECTIVE Morph the mechanical tool into an organic object in 4 steps Use the shape or use of the tool for ideas Change only a few items in each box
PLANNING STEPS 1. Draw 4 – 2” x 4” rectangles in your sketchbook, side by side 2. Draw a complete tool in box 1 3. Draw a complete organic object in box 4 4. Change one to two areas in the tool to represent areas of the organic object in box 2 5. Change one to two more areas of the tool to represent more areas of the organic object in box 3
MATERIALS Bristol board Artist pens (hatching/cross-hatching) Colored pencils
HOMEWORKS 1. hatch 2 spheres and cross hatch 2 spheres using ultra fine Sharpie markers or artist pens
HOMEWORKS Create a research spread in your sketchbook Choose one of the following artist who morphs objects to research: M.C.Escher, Kent Floris or Redmer Hoekstra. Create a border in the style of the artist. On the left side, create a large title using block, bubble, or other creative lettering with the artist's name. Print and paste Artist spread a photo of the artist and write a biography. The biography must include the years of the artist's life, the artist residence and where they work, what their art style they are most known for. Also state which morphing artwork is your favorite and why. On the right side, print and glue two morphing artworks from this artist (one which is your favorite that you wrote about). Below each printout, state the title and the date it was created. Below the printouts, replicate one of the artworks.